
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, March 21, 2011

Anwar's enemies release doctored video of him with female prostitute

Anwar's enemies release doctored video of him with female prostitute

UPDATE2 A new and doctored video tape showing Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim with a female prostitute was shown to senior journalists of the mainstream media in a bid to "smear" him ahead of the crucial Sarawak by-election.

"Yes, it was a video to implicate Anwar. The person in the video who looks like Anwar was with a female prostitute," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

According to Tian, the video was shown at swanky Carcosa Negara by a group of people who asked for anonymity. That itself destroys their credibility and shows that the whole objective of the presentation was to further defame Anwar, Tian added.

Men first, women next - Umno no longers fears God

The video was supposedly taped on February 21, 2011.

It is not known how graphic the tape was but those close to Anwar point to his frailty. While healthy, the 63-year old Anwar still suffers from severe backache following his 6-year imprisonment for sodomy charges that have since been thrown out by the Federal Court.

He is now facing a fresh round of similar charges which he has also denied. Anwar has accused Prime Minister Najib Razak and wife Rosmah Mansor of hatching the latest plot to supress his political rise.

"This is the typical Umno strategy. But it really shows a lack of imagination. First they attack him on sodomy with men. When it fails to be credible because the court trial is so ridiculous, they attack him with women," said Tian.

"They did this in 1998 by linking him to four prostitutes. Now in 2011, Najib's version of the sodomy trial is also failing. So they have to attack Anwar with the female prostitute video but we wish to point out that Anwar is not Chua Soi Lek. And neither is the prostitute Najib's Altantuya."

During the 1998 sodomy trial pressed against Anwar by his nemesis and old boss Mahathir Mohamad, Anwar was even accused of having fathered a child with the wife of then political aide Azmin Ali. DNA reports by independent hospitals in Australia show that the accusations were a lie.

Yet to this day, Umno leaders are still accused of using Azmin's sister Umi Hafilda to continue maligning her brother, sister-in-law and niece, who by now is 16 years old.

Late last year, a disgusted Anwar said Umno no longer feared even God.

"These are the characteristics of a Jahilliyah society," he said, after Najib suspended him from Parliament for daring to expose APCO's Zionist links to top leaders of the Israeli Secret Service.

Decoy to distract Pakatan in Sarawak

Meanwhile, Pakatan Rakyat leaders were careful not to be distracted by the lastest Anwar attack.

In Sarawak, it is Anwar's PKR which will lead Pakatan's charge. The party is expected to go for at least 42 of the 71 state assembly seats due to be contest mid next month. DAP is finalising on 15 to 18 seats, PAS about three and the balance to go to SNAP.

"BN must be getting really desperate. Do they think they can destroy Anwar and Pakatan with faked videos? But I think we know their game and we won;t be distracted so easily. They must think we are stupid," Subang M Sivarasa Rasiah told Malaysia Chronicle.

Indeed, Sarawak watchers say the ruse won't work in Malaysia's largest state where 2.4 million people are still grappling with backward day-to-day living conditions.

Although the state joined the federation of Malaysia in 1963, it is still largely poverty-stricken despite the state and federal government granting alleged crony conglomerates rights to log huge tracts of rain forests.

Sarawak too is gifted with large reserves of petroleum. Again, little of the revenue has trickled down to the man on the street. Mobile phones and the Internet remain inaccessible to most Sarawakians.

"People are a lot smarter that Najib and BN gives them credit for. They can see how the current sodomy case is crumbling and how the country was condemned by international lawmakers for perseuting Anwar," PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli told Malaysia Chronicle.

"But I think Umno's objective is to draw our attention away from Sarawak. They want to sap our enerfy by starting a lot of fires for us to put out. And this is where we have to be careful. All three of us PKR, DAP and PAS must rally together and not allow any arrows to crack into our armour."

Should the state government fall to Pakatan, the BN will be in a very vulnerable position. Not only do analysts expect the Pakatan to manage the state much better than the scandal-plagued Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, it will also give the opposition access to fresh resources from oil and timber royalty, which the BN is terrified of as this would further level the political 'playing-field'. - Malaysia Chronicle

1 comment:

  1. Show us the tape this so called Datuk T is so afraid he does not even dare identify himself.
    Even if it is Anwar does it make a difference.
    Well some years back a top UMNO MP was allegedly caught in PD for khalwat. Did it make a difference? Oh yes it did, he is so high up the ranks of the party he is an untouchable ( incidentally pariahs are also called untouchables), then there is the case of the former minister o f health and his sex videos, he is today the President of the MCA the second largest component of the BN. So does it make a difference? Indeed it does, at least our history seems to suggest so.


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