
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, August 15, 2011

Asri blazes new trail with call to rethink need for religious goons and policing

Asri blazes new trail with call to rethink need for religious goons and policing

The controversial Muslim scholar Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin was the ex-Mufti of Perlis. Appointed by the Sultan to be the head of Religious matters in the state, Dr Mohd Asri enjoyed an influential position. However, his penchant for speaking out without diluting the truth has irked the BN government which felt embarrassed by his liberal views, and he was promptly replaced. Hoping to hear the last of him after his unceremonious sacking, Dr Asri has however continued to be a thorn in the flesh of the religious authorities in the country, with the Muslim community refusing to be weaned off his view.

Indeed, Asri has continued to air his thoughts and beliefs in public much to the chagrin of the government. Arrested by JAIS in September 2009 for preaching without a permit, the Muslim scholar has not been deterred but may even be stronger than before. The government’s continued persecution of him has led to a wide following sympathetic to his cause, and they appreciate his open mindedness in solving controversial religious issues that crop up. Today, he is even more respected than before and this is largely due to the perception that he is independent and not for sale to any political party.

Islam does not need preventive enforcement actions

Asri's latest comment on the JAIS raid that ‘Islam was built upon reason and sound argument, and as such did not need to prove its truth through preventive enforcement actions to stop Muslims from being influenced by non-Muslims,’ has caused many a frown and jaws to drop.

He drew comparisons with Muslims here and in non-Muslim countries especially in the West, where Islamists were active in propagating the religion. “What if non-Muslim countries such as Thailand, United Kingdom, United States and other European countries decide to take similar action against mosques there?" Non-Muslims are invited to mosques and given copies of the Qur'an and other Islamic literature. “If they resort to laws such as ours, surely these mosques would be raided and prosecuted," Asri commented.

He also said that Malaysian Muslims should not be easily swayed by arguments against the religion but should naturally be able to exert their influence on adherents of other religions. "I'm not questioning JAIS, but until when should we depend on laws [to uphold Islam]?" said Asri, "If that is the case, there is a need to re-think Islamic education and propagation."

He also admonished Islamic authorities in the country for failing to achieve the objectives of zakat, resulting in desperate Muslims turning to help from churches. Muslims should not be quick to blame others for trying to win over Muslims when they had themselves failed to help fellow Muslims.

Time capsule and political chains

While the world has steamed forward embracing modernization in the process, the reverse is true for Malaysia’s religious institutions. These are still struggling to move with the times, and hemmed by slow and out-dated religious leaders who are still struggling to keep up with the rest of the world.

Sticking to age-old beliefs and hereditary culture, they cannot keep up with giant strides of modernism. They insist on using the stick to deter backsliding Muslims, they have failed to attract or convince the younger generation of Muslims growing up in a modern era, who question their every move. Some are appalled by their inconsistencies which seem to bring ridicule to the Faith.

Religious institutions unlike other branches of the civil service should be handled with extreme care. Religious leaders appointed to head these institutions should be vetted for their intellectualism, religious knowledge and openness to uphold the sanctity of Islam. No effort must be spared against tarnishing or subjecting the Religion to any ridicule. Failure in doing so will only bring about shame to the Muslims in this country.

One fine example is, when Senator Ezam Md Noor issued a dire warning to the new media, that he will burn their offices down, if they do not refrain from criticising JAIS. What kind of message does that signal from a Senator?

While Asri moves with the times, his predecessors are still stuck in their time capsule. Prepared speeches vetted by the Islamic Department are the norm during Friday Prayers. Is it a surprise that Muslims in this country are still embracing the religious beliefs of yesteryears?

Strangely, no effort is being made to study the religious modernisation of other Islamic countries like Dubai, UAE, Egypt, etc.

The suffocating hold on the Muslims in this country also makes one question whether the government is truly honest in its efforts to protect Muslims against the greater evil. What moral lessons can one obtain from suppressive and submissive interpretation?

Whiff of fresh air

Some people feel that Dr. Mohd Asri is a whiff of fresh air in Umno's heavily polluted world. Any political party that manages to lure this human gem into its fold is a blessed one. All Malaysians better sit up and listen to Mohd Asri for all what he says are pearls of true wisdom. I say Malaysians, because the non-Malays must know what a beautiful religion Islam really is! Islam never encourages violence but discussion to understand each other better.

I may not agree with everything Asri has said thus far about Islam. But he has my vote to be this nation's chief mufti! I only hope Asri continues to post his articles on his website as many tend to benefit enormously from reading his insights. He is a great intellectual and the only balm to the pain of religious bigotry unleashed unabashed by UMNO in its bid to divide and create aspersions to win votes.

Asri, the former and who knows the future mufti as well, is down to earth and his reasoning is very sound. His integrity is also intact and that alone differentiates him from the others in the so-called religious authorities.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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