
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, August 15, 2011

The BN is right, there is no such thing as electoral fraud in M'sia!

The BN is right, there is no such thing as electoral fraud in M'sia!

SATIRE Malaysians have been told time and time again that our Elections are free and fair by the Election Commission.

Deputy EC chief Wan Ahmad Wan Omar has written a point-by-point rebuttal to Bersih's accusations that the system is skewed in favour of the BN government. He insists that there has been no proof of phantom voters and that postal votes, campaign periods and media access were already fair. Wan Ahmad also claims that the opposition has never proven their allegations of polls cheating in court or through election petitions.”

How true! Our elections have always been free and fair and BN always managed to win hands down. There is nothing wrong with it. What is there to change or amend? We cannot let the minority dictate any changes as the majority is assured of victory only if there is nothing wrong with the electoral rolls. Get it?

The Election Commission has done a superb job in ensuring BN – the true champion of the people gets to rule forever and a day. How can there be anything wrong with the EC for protecting the people’s choice? Why are people protesting now and not in the last 50 years?

BN is good enough

Malaysians don’t need change. BN is good enough. It will never ever let the people down. Vote the Opposition at your own peril. Malaysia was always peaceful and harmonious until the Opposition came and spoilt everything with their blatant lies and spreading untruths to destabilize the BN government.

Why do we need a 21 day period to campaign? 3 days is good enough, as everyone wants to get it over with and go back to their mundane jobs. Besides an extended campaign costs more money, and BN is trying to save for a rainy day, for all our sakes and our childrens'. What more can you want than that?

The Opposition has already has access to media via party organs and new media channels that generally supports their ideology, so BN cannot allow them to pollute the Mainstream Media with their filth. Allowing the Opposition to have airtime in the MSM will confuse BN supporters that could mass proselytize them over to the Pakatan Rakyat's cause. How can we allow such a horrifying situation?

Now, Opposition lawmakers are demanding an emergency sitting of Parliament after claiming to have found 1,600 foreigners that have been given citizenships and voting rights. How can 1600 foreigners have any effect on the elections when there are close to 17 million voters going to the polls? So absurd of the Opposition!

They are also insisting on the use of indelible ink to mark voters, when BN has introduced a sophisticated fool-proof and tamper-proof new biometric system to ensure electoral fraud. Er…I mean to prevent electoral fraud. The Biometric system can also prevent individuals from voting repeatedly if they have been registered in multiple constituencies which the indelible ink cannot do.

Is Nasrudin Tantawi so credible?

But PAS Youth Chief Nasrudin Hasan Tantawi is still insisting that the Election Commission has lost all its credibility and is not qualified to conduct elections in the country. "The continued exposes by the public as well as political parties can no longer be denied, and this has laid bare the EC chief and his deputy in public,” he said in a statement.

Nasrudin gave many examples of electoral fraud which includes the confession by an former army officer who had been tasked with marking 400 postal ballots, revelations of non-Malaysians registered as voters who suddenly turned into citizens, overwhelming evidences of overlapping voters in the electoral rolls, inconsistencies of data between the EC and National Registration Department, voters who do not exist in the NRD database, voters who have been dead for centuries and lately, a voter listed as 'Kg Baru', and many more. All these should be a major embarrassment to the Commission.

Then again, how can we take Nasrudin’s statement seriously when he has been well known for his erroneous statements in the past, and lately, he has been supporting Hassan Ali and the JAIS raid on the DUMC?

Who us? We are innocent, says BN

BN is also perplexed by all the voter fraud revelations. Innocent BN always thought that all the elections won in the past were by sheer merit, and never for a moment had any inkling the victories could have come through fraud and cheating. Maybe it is the Election Commission’s fault for not being vigilant in the past. But BN is definitely not at fault if the Election Commission has been slack in their duties. And neither will they complain, why should they?

In other words, BN is already telling Malaysians they will not bow to Bersih pressure as the Electoral Rolls are clean and fair and does not need any revamp. Even another Bersih 3.0 will not make them change their minds. BN also swears by Deputy EC chief Wan Ahmad Wan Omar’s statement that the Election Commission is unbiased and independent. So please be patient and continue voting BN for true peace and harmony.

EC Wan Ahmad Wan Omar should not be ashamed of himself. His job requires him to be independent, professional and competent but fortunately he demonstrates none of these prerequisites. People like him are a rarity willing to sacrifice for the good name of the Barisan Nasional. It is people like him that BN depends on to hold on to power and to uphold the integrity of this nation. Single-handedly he can hold the fort against the combined might of the Pakatan Rakyat.

The ball is now in the Citizens' court? What do you guys want to do? - Malaysia Chronicle

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