
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, August 22, 2011

Hii: I was kicked, and cop farted in my face, 10 times

Businessman Hii Tiong Huat complained today that a cop's buttock was shoved at his face and the cop farted on his face10 times during his arrest on July 22.

"Another plainclothes policeman also kicked me, 10 times," Hii said in his complaint to human rights commission Suhakam this morning.

The humiliating treatment, he related, happened after the same policeman told him to "go back to China", and said his parents were immigrants from that country.

NONEHii's complaint encapsulated his series of unfortunate arrests and detention on July 8-9, his arrest again July 21 and another arrest and detention on July 22-23 by police in relation to his alleged participation in the outlawed Bersih 2.0 rally for clean and fair elections.

The Sarawakian was initially arrested on July 8 and held till the next day, for his lone picket with homemade placards at Petaling Street, in the police crackdown in the run-up to the Bersih rally.

Video clips of his arrest have elevated him to the status of folk hero, with members of the public dubbing him 'Uncle Bersih'.

Hii was picked up again on July 21, though later released without being charged.

He was arrested for the third time on July 22, again for no apparent grounds, and was then forcibly committed into the psychiatric ward of Kuala Lumpur Hospital, after he claimed he was duped by police to go to the hospital on the pretext of treating wounds obtained during his arrest.

'Business losses'

The businessman also claimed that his arrests had caused him losses in the form of an air ticket to China, where he was to go to on business on July 10, and other losses incurred from his failure to attend to commercial dealings there.

In brief, his report to Suhakam complained that:
  • His freedom of speech was trampled upon;
  • Police abused their powers when arresting him as they produced no identification and never told him why he was being arrested;
  • Police were brutal to him during the arrests, causing him bodily harm and inhuman treatment during his incarceration;
  • Cash was stolen from him during the arrests;
  • Police also used trickery by wrongfully having him admitted him to a psychiatric ward; and
  • Abuse of power by the medical practitioners.

Based on these complaints, Hii wants Suhakam to commence investigations and conduct an inquiry.

This, he said, was to ensure that police and medical officers would not abuse their powers in future and would respect the principles of human rights.

Hii also urged Suhakam to issue a condemnation of the abuse of power by police and the medical officers and to call upon the government to form the long delayed independent police commission. - Malaysiakini

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