
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Most openly out-of-line DPM in Umno's history?

your say'Muhyddin seems to be more powerful than Najib because whenever he says something, he doesn't seem to give two hoots about Najib's position.'

Bersih: Muhyiddin contradicts PM - yet again

DannyLoHH: Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin may well be the most openly out of line DPM in Umno's history. No other DPM has contradicted the PM as often as Muhyiddin has done.

At times, it seems that Muhyddin is more powerful than Najib because whenever he says something, he doesn't seem to give two hoots about Najib's position.

The notorious 'Malay first' declaration comes to mind. Najib is seentip-toeing around, fearing to give the impression that there is a rift between him and his DPM.

The problem is, what can Najib do when Muhyiddin has, time and again, shown that he doesn't want to play ball?

Multi Racial: 'Brutus' Muhyiddin shines again? First, he stabbed Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and now he is stabbing Najib. Why is he so daring? Who is behind him?

But I'm not bothered by this. This is because the rakyat decide who they want as PM from now onward, not Umno or Perkasa.

Any politician who declares that their race comes first and only then their country, doesn't deserve to be serving as a minister, let alone be PM.

MeritocracyII: The PM-in-waiting has the right to speak his mind. Who is Najib? His term will be even shorter than Pak Lah's. The 3M factor (Muhyiddin-Mahathir-Mukhriz) is at work. Muhyiddin will be PM soon.

Mighty Bear: History would show that this is the formula to become PM. Dr Mahathir Mohamad did it to Tunku Abdul Rahman, Anwar Ibrahim tried it on Mahathir, Najib did it to Pak Lah (albeit via proxies), now the play is on for Najib's ouster by Muhyiddin.

Najib can do to Muhyiddin what Mahathir did to Anwar, or wait till he gets shown the door.

Jiminy Qrikert: So yet again Najib backs down. This is a sure sign that Najib is under tremendous pressure internally in Umno and he has to constantly check his bearings to ensure he doesn't give his detractors more ammunition to gun him down.

Najib is shunned by the international community of leaders, was embarrassed by the Queen, has baggage that he cannot just C4 away, has been constantly put in a spot by civil servants, Perkasa and his own Umno party detractors, and he has been consistently shown the middle finger by his deputy.

1M: I'm not surprised with Muhyiddin's comment. Firstly, he cannot afford to let the electoral system to be improved, which means the list cleaned up, because it will then jeopardise BN's chance of winning the next election, which also means he cannot become the next PM.

Secondly, he cannot afford to allow the PM to become popular in any way, again for the same reason.

The best scenario for Muhyiddin is to let BN win marginally, then he can force Najib to quit, just as Najib did to Abdullah before, and this is most likely to happen if nothing is done to the electoral system.

Lexicon: Najib should sack Muhyiddin since Muhyiddin cannot toe the line and accept the principle of collective responsibility in the federal cabinet.

Replace him with someone more intelligent and charismatic. Someone like Hishammuddin Hussein or Mohd Khir Toyo.

'Script' of migrants' oath to back BN uncovered

Kgen: So, as we suspected all along, the purpose of the amnesty programme is to create a new vote bank for BN. This means these foreigners will be given citizenship, and there are two million of them.

All will be instant bumiputeras. Their children will also be bumiputeras. Malays, wake up and see what Umno is doing to you.

Anonymous: Assuming the document is authentic, I find it interesting that it first starts off with a short prayer and swearing to Allah, and then proceeds to violate the tenets of Islam by promising to act in a dishonest way. Did I miss something here?

Penang Mari: Very soon Malaysians (whether Malay, Chinese, Indian or 'dan lain lain lagi') will be aliens in their own country.

Peninsula Malaysia will fall to the Indonesians while Sabah and Sarawak will be under the influence of Filipinos and Indonesians. Chow Kit is a great example.

Jimmy Ng: How low can one go? Well, the fact of the matter is that there are some (eg. Umno-BN) who are willing to go so low as to sell the sovereignty of our nation in order to remain in power. Disgusting is too kind a word to describe them.

These people should be tried for treason. Dig deeper, PKR. You have perhaps just uncovered only the tip of the iceberg.

Hello: There are more and more accusations and evidence of treasonous acts like giving citizenship to migrants by Umno and yet there are no announcements of investigations by the police, MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) and Election Commission.

Umno has reached the stage of such arrogance, that they don't even bother to deny these allegations. - Malaysiakini

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