
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Education Ministry owes voters an apology

your say'This only shows how low BN can go. It cannot differentiate between party politics and the government.'

'Pakatan-bashing at seminar for teachers'

Bender: I say let them continue with such dirty tactics. They will only reveal their desperation more.

Those teachers who can think for themselves (being teachers, they should be able to do so, I reckon?), will be able to differentiate between a real seminar and a fake one.

If the teachers have brains at all, they'd be able to smell the rot whenever they're being offered 'lucrative allowances' for doing something that is not within their job description.

Of course, only the hardcore Umno supporters will welcome such an offer and see it as an opportunity to gain more money and perhaps some perks.

As for the misuse of government machinery, time and again we've been shown how unashamed these people are of doing such dirty work.

Nothing will deter them from doing it, so why bother labeling it with such labels as unprofessional? They know it and they simply don't care.

CiViC: I would love to see these sort of news being published in the mainstream media, but unfortunately it will not happen.

Umno-BN is desperate, while a harmless 'Undilah' video can be banned, these seminars were freely organised. That's Malaysia's democracy.

Anonymous_3e4b: The Education Ministry have insulted the voters who have voted for Pakatan Rakyat. We, the rakyat, have done our duty to come out and vote in GE12.

Whoever or whichever party we voted for is our constitutional rights which should not be questioned.

By voting, we the voters make Malaysia a democratic country. By voting, we the voters makes the corrupt realise that all Malaysians are watching their every move. By voting, we the voters intend to make Malaysia a better place for us to live in.

As such, the Education Ministry owes an apology to all Malaysians.

Shanu: Democracy is where the electorate are respected for their choices, not vilified or worse disparaged for making those choices.

The government of any state that is elected by the people must be respected and the resources of the country are to be shared equally among all the states for the next five years and then leave it to the people to decide if the respective governments have done well and if not, a change is in order.

Gen2: Disciplinary action must be taken against the officers in Education Ministry who used public funds to do politicking. The chief secretary in the civil service will be a disgrace if he does not take action.

SMC77: This only shows how low BN can go. It cannot differentiate between party politics and government. It is time to kick them out of government.

Tired: This is a non-issue. The Education Ministry seminar was a private and closed-door function. Nothing wrong has been committed.

One can say anything he wants, like the Penang chief minister, who disparaged Johor at the private luncheon in Singapore. We will be practising double standards if we are to treat both cases differently.

Free Thinker: 'Tired', did LGE (Lim Guan Eng) called a seminar and put up billboards and bad mouth BN or Umno in name of civil servants training? Have you been to Penang lately?

Rakyat Malaysia: Umno-BN does not need to worry because you are voted by the people to work for the people, not the other way round. So, any political party misbehaves and mismanages the country, the rakyat will vote them out. Simple as that.

What is the real danger? It's BN's brainwashing technique. Uneducated and illiterate people in Malaysia - these are the people in danger being brainwashed by BN.

What's This?: Teachers are suppose to be well educated. If they still cannot see the rampant corruption and abuse of power by Umno, then the future of Malaysia is going down the drain.

Miaj: My neighbour who happens to be in one of the PIBG (parents and teachers association) in mainland Penang was also "invited" for what he presumed was something on education sometime last week at the UITM (I assume the one in Permatang Pauh) but instead was given a "brainwashing" seminar on how the present Penang state government has failed its people.

He was disgusted. Needless to say, someone is using these institutions and facilities to take potshots at the Pakatan government with one aim - to bring it down at the next elections. I think we are smarter than that.

Multi Racial: This is an opportunity for the Election Commission (EC) and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to show to us they are independent.

This is clear-cut bribery which is wrong morally and it is also breaking the election rules. Do something about it.

BTN: There you go. What Umno does is okay, but not the opposition. This is the culture that most Malays have inherited from Umno.

This unhealthy culture started in Umno and it has to end there as well. We cannot blame Umno for all the problems as we ourselves have supported them blindly until our nation suffers. - Malaysiakini

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