
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The one ring that confounds us all

your say'Since Nazri did not say the custom declaration form is wrong, I suppose it is reasonable to assume the form, in its entirety, is correct.'

Customs confirms existence of RM24mil ring

Louis: Malaysians are no longer living in the dark ages. They are better informed with the advent of the Internet. But our ministers are stuck in the Stone Age and still believe that Malaysians are ignorant of happenings around them.

When Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz said that a RM24 million ring was brought into the country but it was not purchased by anyone, he made himself the laughing stock of the whole country, if not the whole world.

To send such an expensive ring halfway around the globe without a purchaser defies logic. One needs not have an Einstein's brain to tell Nazri that such a story is so farfetched. Who in his sane mind would risk sending such an expensive item that far?

Josephine: So the ring really exist! Since Nazri did not say the custom declaration form is wrong, I suppose it is reasonable to assume the form, in its entirety, is correct.

How come the ring was allegedly inspected by the self-styled first lady? Can the minister clarify her role in this?

Also take note of FLOM's (First Lady of Malaysia) response last month. She did not deny that the allegation was categorically false. She had instead deflected the question.

And who is this Jeremy Beh Sin Tee? How come there was no need to pay duty on the ring? If no one paid customs duty, can the minister confirm that the ring was kept in the bonded warehouse and never left it?

1M: ""There is nothing I want to say (in relation to the purchase of ring) because I have no time to entertain such issue...

"Let him (the blogger who made the allegation) say what he wants. This is nothing funny, this is slander... what have I not experienced? I have experienced all," Rosmah had said on July 28.

Datin, of course you have experienced all, including a RM24 million ring.

Nazri, you said the ring was brought into the country, but for who? Why did Rosmah's name appear on the document as the receiver?

Ferdtan: As usual the investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on the alleged RM24 million ring mystery is moving at a snail's pace.

MACC is only good at trying to 'catch' opposition members; like the infamous cases of Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim's car and cows and Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz Nik Mat's 10kg cake given to him.

Tan Teng Wah: Now we have three parties - Nazri, MACC and the Customs - who said different things. Who shall we believe?

Cala: Who can afford a RM24 million ring? Any casual reader of Chinese history would be quick to learn that in general, empresses were not supposed to indulge in state affairs for obvious reasons.

I see in Malaysia there is no such rule, and in the opposite the wife of the PM is given wide latitude in state matters (for example, to represent the PM in his absence). Strictly speaking in protocol-wise, such a practice is wrong because she is not an elected representative, and hence carries no mandate.

The scandalous import of a ring worth RM24 million is the result of a system that runs randy where we place the cart before the horse. Is it not another manifestation of abuse of power?

Put it in another way, when it is to do with "the rule by thieves", then all laws become ineffective under the weight of looters and plunderers.

Lim Chong Leong: Purchased or not, why was she looking even at a ring of this size if she did not intend to buy? This only confirms she had the means, a very questionable means to buy this ring.

Indon Planter: Send a RM24 million ring to Malaysia with no potential buyer in sight? The importer must be a fool as the sum insured against theft or robbery would be a nightmare.

Anyway, is this a new procedure by JKDM (Royal Malaysian Customs) where if an item not sold, then no tax will be imposed?

Onyourtoes: Someone here is a very frugal person; she saved money from childhood, every penny of it, and that why she is able to buy the ring. Don't be envious you fellows, okay.

Whistleblower dissatisfied with reply on 'Rosmah' ring

Bender: Perhaps she did returned the ring or perhaps not. Who can say for sure? All we hear only came from the mouth of Nazri. Why would she return it?

If Nazri can cover it up just by answering a question in the Parliament, I don't see any need for Rosmah to surrender the ring at all. No one's going to go looking for it.

This could well be just another ploy to deceive the rakyat and also to take the heat off of Rosmah and her husband, PM Najib Razak. The GE is coming after all. Like many have pointed out, there are yet many things not explained relating to this issue.

Personally, I believe Nazri is lying throuh his teeth and all this is just a media smokescreen to make us forget the whole thing. Kudos to Chegubard (PKR leader Badrul Hisham Shaharin) for his brave attempt.

Gerard Samuel Vijayan: Assuming that the government's version is true and the ring came into the country and then left the country, why then was Rosmah's name used in the customs declaration forms?

And by whom and for what purpose? Shouldn't the MACC be investigating that at least?

1M: "So MACC after this reply should have enough evidence to prove that the document (that I had furnished them) is authentic, otherwise they would not have questioned the cargo company officer A Krishnan till the wee hours of the morning in their investigation."

Come on, why do you think they questioned the officer till the wee hours of the morning? Simple, they were trying to establish that the officer in question had faked the document.

Do you really think MACC would investigate against Rosmah?

James Dean: Why wasn't Rosmah and Jeremy Beh questioned? Rosmah, the alleged importer, and Beh, the alleged courier, should be the ones be held responsible and questioned by both MACC and the Customs.

Why is Krishnan being made a scapegoat? It looks like another case of gross intimidation by the authorities.

Changeagent: MACC is an absolute farce, devoid of any real credibility in its fight against rampant corruption.

For only RM2,400 in alleged billing discrepancies, they swooped on DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock like a ton of bricks.

But when it came to investigating a RM24 million mansion owned by a former state MB on a modest public servant salary, or an extravagant RM24 million ring that is supposedly brought into the country for the FLOM, the MACC surprisingly becomes timid like a toothless tiger.

It truly begs belief that a mere witness had to lose his life over an insignificant amount, but the corrupt rich continue to flaunt their illegal gains and live their lives in opulence. - Malaysiakini

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