
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Graduates plan giant demonstration against UIA's suspension of Aziz Bari

Graduates plan giant demonstration against UIA's suspension of Aziz Bari

Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia or Malaysian Graduates in Solidarity plan a demonstration to protest the suspension of law professor Aziz Bari, who had recently made comments that were seen to be unfavourable to Prime Minister Najib Razak's Umno party.

"SMM condemns the move by the International islamic University (or UIA) in suspending Professor Dr Abdul Aziz bari. The UIA decision is an irresponsible one because undermines the priincples of the freedom of the academia. As a reputable institution of higher learning, UIA ought to defend Prof Aziz on the basis of the freedom of expression," SMM said in a statement on Thursday.

Thorn in Umno's flesh

The graduates movement plans to mobilise students from campuses across the Klang Valley and hold a pecaeful protest at the UIA mosque. It expects a crowd size of some 1,500.

Aziz, a vocal and prominent law expert, has often been a thorn in the flesh of the Najib administration with his no-holds-barred critiques of the government handling of various constitutional issues, including the Perak crisis and the Kelantan oil royalty issue.

Eralier this month, he had commented that the Sultan of Selangor decision on the Jais-DUMC apostasy incident as unconventional, adding that there was no reason why citizens could not question the Royalty.

Umno leaders, fearing a reform wave might spread through the Malay community, which is their traditional voter base, reacted sharply. Former premier Mahathir Mohamad publicly chided Aziz as being "kurang ajar" or rude. The Umno-controlled media then launched an all-out assault to blacken Aziz, with the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission and the police following up by calling the professor in for investigations.

Malaysia Chronicle

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