
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 20, 2011

How dare you call us 'Dan Lain Lain': We are Malaysian - respect that!

How dare you call us 'Dan Lain Lain': We are Malaysian - respect that!

The Malaysian government is adamant about identifying its citizens based on their ethnicity. In truth, there is no difference in the races. In fact, there is only one race of man - homo sapien, unless there are some other races living like the homo-erectus, Neanderthal or Bigfoot; then homo sapiens are basically the only race of men still in existance.

Homo sapiens are then divided into ethnic groups and this is where the problems normally arises. Does one identify one’s self by ethnic group or nationality? In the case of Muhyiddin Yassin, we already know the answer. The “Malay first, Malaysian second” deputy prime minister should not be confused with his “1Malaysia” boss, who at times act Malaysian but then quickly reverts to being Malay within the same context.

The Original Citizens

For all the talk about which ethnic group has the superior hold on governance, the original citizens of Malaysia and specifically peninsula Malaysia are the ones called Orang Asli. The name Orang Asli is an umbrella term, for the Orang Asli is made up of a diverse group of peoples.

Yet, regardless of this wide and deep heritage, in the National Registration Department’s books, the Orang Asli’s status on their identity cards is listed as “Dan Lain Lain” or “Others”. This is both wrong and demeaning to any human being, let alone the Orang Asli. Our original citizens.

The Orang Asli has equal rights like the Malays, Indians, Chinese, Ibans, Bidayuhs, Kadazans and Bajaus to have their ethnic status listed as “Orang Asli” or specifically the community they belong to.

Why then are they listed as “Dan Lain Lain”? This term itself means that the Orang Asli, even if they are the original citizens of Malaysia, have no identity within any system.

To be listed as “Dan Lain Lain” means that they fall into the same category as foreigners. Heck, even foreigners are listed by the country they come from but the Orang Asli are relegated as mere “Others”.

Government creating classes for their own ulterior motives

This is the failure on part of the government - to segregate and alienate a group of people based on their ethnicity. The government of the day has violated the dignity and significance of a whole people-group and cast them to the footnotes of national history.

There would not be a Malaysia without the Orang Asli forefathers allowing the 'governing' instincts of the Malays leeway in establishing state bounderies in Malaysia. During the years of the Communist insurgency, it was to the Orang Asli that the police and army had to turn to, to lead them through the thick jungles of Malaya.

And now, while politicians stumble over one another over the use of wide undeveloped jungle land, little thought is given to the Orang Asli who have plied these areas for countless generations with their nomadic lifestyle.

Thus, it is morally wrong to simply call the Orang Asli just “Dan Lain Lain”. And if there are issues to the Najib administration in giving the Orang Asli their birthright recognition, then another solution should be implemented. It is truly simple.

Rid any reference of Race in Malaysian governance and simply call all Malaysian citizens “Malaysian”. Let all ethnic groups that live and work in Malaysia and who hold citizenship be called “Malaysian”. And since we are all “Malaysian”, there should not be any problem in passing out equality and fairness to all.

All men are born equal, it is the governments that create classes. So stop the bullshit and give the Orang Asli their name for they are Malaysia’s first citizens.

Malaysia Chronicle

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