
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, October 13, 2011

No retraction at all: Malaysiakini selling out to Umno?

No retraction at all: Malaysiakini selling out to Umno?

UPDATED PLEASE READ FOOTNOTE The expected changes in management at the Umno-controlled New Straits Times Press have thrown up the unexpected piece of news that Malaysiakini is in talks with the Malay Mail on some form of share exchange.

While changes at NST are not unexpected considering its declining circulation, it is a surprise to read in the The Malaysian Insider that one of the country’s earliest web-based newspapers would consider associating with Umno, a party that is steadfastly against freedom of the press.

Malaysiakini chief executive Premesh Chandran has since issued a denial. "There is no discussion about Malay Mail getting a stake in Malaysiakini or vice versa."

Notably, the rumoured new head of the NST is Abdul Jalil Hamid, Najib’s media strategist and chief propagandist, who is notorious for allegedly having directed newspapers on how to demonize the Bersih 2.0 rally in July.

Strange that after the huge fiasco blamed for Prime Minister Najib Razak's plunge in popularity, Abdul Hamid still gets what is essentially a promotion or is he a scapegoat for Omar Mustapha, the Petronas director who also oversees Najib's media activities. Whichever the reason, NST shareholders may end losing the most.

What the deal means

There was concern that a deal between Malaysiakini and the Malay Mail would essentially leave Abdul Jalil Hamid in charge of Malaysiakini.

If that happened, it can be assumed that Umno and Abdul Jalil will not attempt the NST’s ham-fisted type of propaganda once they have control of Malaysiakini.

Instead BN propaganda will be presented in more subtle or 'subliminal' form to try to influence those who depend on the internet for their news.

Unable and unwilling to implement any form of real change in the BN’s draconian policies, Najib opted for meaningless pseudo-reform which he announced on the eve of Malaysia Day. Najib’s ‘reforms’ included taking the curious course of replacing one bad law, the ISA, with two!

Najib then tabled a budget that is almost criminal in its blatant attempt to buy votes. The growth figures that Najib used as the basis for his spending spree are impossible targets in today’s global economic environment.

Having failed to sell this unpalatable mess to the people using their usual propaganda channels, Najib and Umno may now look to gain control of Malaysiakini and other web-based outlets to spread their usual disinformation, fabrications and deceptions.

Pricing would also be another major point of interest to cyber-citizens. Looking at the gory sums paid out to the disgraced FBC Media of some RM83 million, and to APCO of some RM77 million, what is money to Najib? Especially when it belongs to taxpayers!

Malaysia Chronicle

Malaysia Chronicle is not retracting this story as Malaysiakini claims. In fact, we stand by it. We have as a matter of courtesy included the denial extended by Premesh Chandran, but his denial is as good as the claim made by the Malaysian Insider. We leave it to readers to gauge for themselves the value and veracity of this story.

We would also rubbish the claim made by Malaysiakini that this story implied a share swap between themselves and Umno-linked personalities. We are awaiting their reply to the claims made against us in their article No truth in M'kini-Malay Mail share swap claim.

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