
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 25, 2011

Azmin: We'll break through prison walls to free Anwar

PKR deputy president Azmin Ali today rallied his party to stand by the party’s de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, vowing a revolt should the latter be jailed.

In his policy speech during the party congress in Johor today, Azmin said that the party pledged to free their leader if he ends up in jail again.

“This is a strong warning against Umno. Whatever conspiracies there may be to imprison Anwar Ibrahim, we, the youth and women (wings), vow to rise to break through the cruel walls of prison to free (him).

NONE“Pakatan Rakyat is resolved to make Anwar Ibrahim the seventh prime minister,” he said, to resounding applause.

Anwar is currently being tried for sodomy, with the submissions to be heard soon. This is the second time he is facing a sodomy trial, resulting in accusation of a conspiracy.

Azmin was speaking at the opening ceremony of the youth and women’s wing congress, a day ahead of the party’s eight annual national congress which will be held for the first time in the southern state of Johor tomorrow.

Using his speech to bash political foe Umno, Azmin said that the way forward for the country is to push for a two party system - between the BN and Pakatan Rakyat.

Taking a hardline stance, he said that this means that smaller parties, “including Umno splinter parties”, only serve to “undermine democracy” and will be rejected by the rakyat.

“The rakyat must reject those who collude with the enemies of democracy. They are nothing more than political eunuchs,” he said scathingly.

While he makes no mention of it, among the smaller parties which are not part of Pakatan Rakyat nor a BN member is Kita, headed by former PKR man Zaid Ibrahim.

Zaid had gone head-to-head with Azmin in the pools for the deputy president’s post, leading to the former’s departure from the party.

‘Umno supports mediocrity’

Raising the ongoing National Feedlot Corporation controversy and “broken promises” of reform, Azmin said the Malay party can no longer be said to be a defender of the race.

“To the younger generation, Umno is known as an old party which is anti-democracy, anti-intellectual, anti-human rights, anti-worker, laden with the politics of slander and supports corruption.

NONE“Umno prolongs the enslavement of souls through its neo-feudalism and fails to nurture independent souls,” he said.

He said that the BN anchor party has also supported national policies which encourage mediocrity among the young.

“To ensure their hegemony, young voices must be buried and their minds shackled. Those who dare to think are enemies of Umno,” he said, adding that it has contributed to a culture of fear.

He added that the distrust towards the young is exemplified in the government’s decision to appeal the Court of Appeal’s declaration that a provision which blocks students from national politics in the Universities and University Colleges Act is unconstitutional.

Azmin said that the insistence to appeal despite the prime minister’s announcement that the clause will be amended only shows the government’s insincerity and PM Najib Abdul Razak’s inconsistency.

“As the Malay saying goes, a cow is held by the rope, a man is held by his word... Maybe now we have to hang on to a cow,” he said to laughter.

More youth candidates in GE?

Conversely, he said, PKR believes youth must lead the move for change, just as the Arab Spring was sparked by a youth movement.

As such, he said, the party is also looking at fielding younger candidates in the next general election.

“I have received the nominations for candidates from the state leadership councils, youth and women’s wings. I am happy that the young have been trusted as candidates.

“I will bring this issue up to the president and political bureau, to allow the young and women members to play an important roll in the 13th general election,” he said to thunderous applause.

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