
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Complaints, complaints! So, what's wrong with the Peaceful Assembly Bill?

Complaints, complaints! So, what's wrong with the Peaceful Assembly Bill?

Whatever are you all complaining about? I mean, there’s no satisfying you lot, is there? You didn’t want the cops approving your permits, and now they don’t. Thanks to the visionary leadership of Supreme Leader Najib Razak, you have been granted this boon. Be happy. Clap your hands. Do little cartwheels, even, if you want.

Clearly, you don’t know anything about Great Helmsman Najib Razak if you insist on looking him in the teeth like he’s a dumb mule you were thinking of purchasing. For your information, on the night he was born, a huge comet flew across the sky. Flowers grew on plastic plants and durians popped up on rambutan trees, as well as other equally remarkable phenomena.

So let’s address your issues one by one:

30 days notice to be given before protest

Well, what’s wrong with that? It’s clearly a thought-out move by the government to teach Malaysians to plan ahead. After all, Malaysians do have a very last minute mentality. As for the point that has been raised about the issue no longer being ‘hot’ after so long, why, heat it up again. I do that all the time with pizza and find it highly effective.

The IGP taking such actions as he deem necessary

Well, honestly, he can hardly take measures that the Prisons chief deems necessary, can he? He’s entitled to his right to do things his way, after all. What do you think he’s going to do?

Use toxic concentrations of tear gas that may cause death?

Shoot tear gas canisters directly at protestors?

Administer brutal beatings on peaceful protestors?

Shut down transportation in an entire city, Kuala Lumpur maybe?

Forbid you from wearing yellow T-Shirts, or pink, or green, according to his fancy?

Come now, you do injustice to the poor fellow. We are not in North Korea, his name is not Kim, and he’s hardly going to do such things. Have faith in the cops, guys! Have they ever given you cause to think that they will behave in such draconian ways, falling over themselves carrying out BN’s instructions?

20,000 ringgit fines

Malaysian is doing very well and Malaysians should be able to afford such fines. Please refer to the Government statistics for how well we are doing. Pay no attention to your own personal experience of having stagnant wages and having to pay more for everything every day. It may just be your imagination. Think positive, please.

If that doesn’t convince you, then think of it as a Rights Tax, a Tax that you pay for exercising your rights. Since many people don’t exercise their rights at all, you have an extra over them and clearly you should pay for it. Like the more money you earn, the more tax you pay. Get it?

In addition, the tax will increase the government’s revenue base and could then be used for the public good. Like buying more submarines, or patrol boats, or 9 million ringgit luxury apartments in Bangsar.

Hishamuddin Hussein

Ok, we get it.

You don’t like Hisham, you don’t trust him.

You think he’s a dolt, a nimrod, a clown, a purveyor of doublespeak, half-truths and outright lies.

Ok, we’ll give you this one.

On A Serious Note….

On a serious note, we must point out to Hishamuddin and Najib Razak that Article 10 of the Constitution guarantees Freedom of Assembly. As such, this ‘Peaceful Assembly Act’ is illegal and if passed, would be in direct contradiction of Malaysia’s Constitution.

The government is fond of saying that protests are an inconvenience for motorists. While their concern for motorists is touching, we ask them to consider that there is not an Article in the constitution which is formulated with the express purpose of protecting the right of the random motorist to not get stuck in a jam.

The same goes for the government’s other big excuse; petty traders. Also, they generally tend to be foreigners nowadays. Please take a walk down TAR road if you won’t take my word for it. The writers of our Constitution considered the right to assembly important enough to be specifically protected and that should be respected.

So we hope the BN governments thinks better of its sneaky attempt to legislate this piece of rubbish that is the ‘Peaceful Assembly Act’. It is nothing but an attempt to silence oppositionists and strip the Malaysian people of their rights.

Malaysia Chronicle

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