
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cops take cue from ex-boss Rahim Noor?

YOURSAY 'The public have a right to know how the victim has become the accused. The police should not think that they are above the law and can protect their own.'

Seven years on, 'molest' complainant charged

your sayDannyLoHH: The question is why waited seven years before charging Wong Bee Fong? If it was obstruction of police duty then, it should be apparent immediately and she could be arrested and charged there and then.

The fact that there was no arrest made then, and the police did nothing for seven years shows that there is something fishy going on.

The way the police handle her case have given credibility to Wong's claims. I am more inclined now to believe her story that these police officers have molested her, that's why the hush-hush manner in dealing with her.

This is another reason to justify the setting up of IPCMC (Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission).

David Dass: Whatever the facts, surely the appearance of correctness and propriety must be observed.

I am assuming that the police, acting under advice from the Attorney-General's Chambers, think that they have cause to charge Wong for obstruction. Why detain her overnight? And what is the status of the investigation into her complaint?

The public have a right to know how the victim has become the accused here. The police should not think that they are above the law and can protect their own even when they breach the law.

Yap CS: If the charged is 'obstructing the police in the performance of duty', then this midnight arrest is a clear case of intimidation.

My Thor: Despite improvements on the crime index, this incident is definitely going to splash cold water on the public, causing them to lose confidence in the force.

Every moment, the police are found to be one-sided especially when it involves their men in blues or Umno as the recent case where 'mat rempit' in Penang were escorted from Balik Pulau to Penang state assembly hall to protest against the chief minister.

With so many bad apples flourishing in the force, do you think the good men in blues can ‘tahan'? After all, if you cannot win them, join them. Right?

Alan Goh: What a joke our AG (attorney-general) and PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) have caused to our beloved country, Malaysia.

After seven years, the molest complainant was charged for obstruction of duty by the police. Why wait for seven years to charge the complainant? This is something that Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein must explain to the public.

Free Thinker: The police are after Wong now because she has lodge the complaint against them and the case file is still open. The standard SOP (standard operation procedures) is:

1) They could have issued a ticket for drunk driving on the day itself but they did not.

2) They should have immediately taken her into custody and produce her in court the next day, which they did not either.

As I always mentioned in my comments, only in this country the police will investigate the victim or charge them, and not the offender.

Ferdtan: The police actions nowadays point towards extreme enforcement without regards for basic human rights.

They couldn't care less for the reputation of the police force. To them, they obviously wrongly believe that power which comes with the job is theirs to abuse.

Recently ex-PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former inspector-general of police Abdul Rahim Noor and Chinese convert, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, issued statements against the so-called 'western-influenced' human rights movements.

So, are the police taking cue from them, and are prosecuting the victim instead of their fellow colleagues?

Is it part of the greater design by the 'rejected third-force politicians' to promote fascism: suppressing opposition by way of political violence and exalting militarism using paramilitary organisations to create unrest.

Jesse: How rotten can be police get? Abuse of power and intimidation just because someone stood up to them and questioned their actions.

No wonder people have no confidence in their integrity. Their superiors should conduct a proper investigation of the relevant officers or are they just as rotten?

Dorrin: It is lesson to one and all not to meddle with those who are bestowed with power. What is the country coming to?

Kleo: If it could happen to this woman, it could happen to anyone in Malaysia. Eleven police officers who were in pursuit had allegedly assaulted her on that night in 2004 - this is no longer an isolated case, rather it is representative of the state of the larger police force.

Subsequent attempts to ignore her desperate complaints and to harrass her only reinforces that impression. The longer the government delays the IPCMC, the more ordinary citizens like Wong will suffer.

Kgen: We are coming to the stage where people fear the police as much as they fear criminals. This is the banana non-republic created by Umno.

Pemerhati: PM Najib Razak and Umno have a ‘you help me and I help you' type of relationship with the police and the rest of the public service.

Najib is grateful to the police because they covered up a lot of things regarding the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder and they also have been going all out to harass, persecute and bully the opposition when asked to do so by him and Umno.

In return, he and Umno go out of their way to protect these people even when they had allegedly kill innocent people in their custody or during fake encounters.

Since the police enjoy the complete protection from Umno for any wrongdoing, they can harass and harm anyone they do not like, just as they seem to have done to Wong.

If Malaysians want to see a change in this very sad state of affairs, then the only remedy they have is to vote against BN at the next elections.

DontPlayGod: Remember, the police are the sidekicks of Umno. They are the enforcers of Umno's grand designs. As such, the police can do anything they want.

So if seven police officers are witnesses against you, what chance do you have? And as the lawyer said, why arrest Wong in the middle of the night. Couldn't they have done so during daytime?

Wong can count herself lucky that the police did not come dressed in balaclava and carrying machine guns, like they did when arresting Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. This will be how the police behave as long as Umno is in power.

Hmmmmmm: It sounds like somebody suddenly woke up from a coma and realised that the complainant obstructed the police.

Is this a Halloween trick or a script from Twilight Zone? - Malaysiakini

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