
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ibrahim Ali hollers at Nik Aziz but not a squeak at Shahrizat

Ibrahim Ali hollers at Nik Aziz but not a squeak at Shahrizat

Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali's latest accusations that PAS spiritual adviser Nik Aziz Nik Mat was afraid of the DAP just shows how desperate he is to defect attention from the RM250 million National Feedlot Centre scandal involving top Umno leaders.

That Ibrahim Ali has failed to utter a single word for the everyday Malay, whose right to prosperity without being overpowered by escalating food prices has been jeopardized by yet another debacle, shows his subservience to the Umno elite, say Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

"The people feel disgusted and cheated when they read about the NFC scandal. Firstly, without Shahrizat, would her son be able to get the RM250 million project? The minister's post is to be guardian of the public's interest. To occupy this public office, you must not only be clean but must be seen to be clean. But instead of standing up for the people, Ibrahim goes for Nik Aziz," DAP MP for Taiping Nga Kor Ming told Malaysia Chronicle.

Fake champion

Indeed, Ibrahim Ali has come under constant attack for being a 'fake' Malay champion, a defender of the community's rights which he has claimed to be, insisting that Perkasa was not politically inclined but would stand up for the Malays without fear of favor.

"The people want to know know. Why doesn't Nik Aziz just say Abdul Hadi Awang will be the Prime Minister if Pakatan wins the next election," Utusan reported Ibrahim as saying on Thursday.

"And if Hadi becomes PM, then PAS can implement an Islamic state and hudud law. So don't blame anyone for not being able to implement hudud."

Perhaps the facetiousness of Ibrahim's comments gave him away. As pundits pointed out, even if Hadi became PM, an Islamic state and hudud law needed amendments to the Federal Constitution that could only be passed with a two-thirds majority in Parliament. However, Ibrahim, the MP for Pasir Mas, conveniently omitted to mention this fact.

Such glaring corruption but not a squeak

According to the Pakatan leaders, whenever the issue involves the Umno elite and corruption, Ibrahim is nowhere to be seen. He is either silent or deflecting attention with another issue. That does not help the Malay community, said the Pakatan leaders.

They point out that in the case of the NFC, which is a national project to ensure a supply of reasonably-priced beef for which RM250 million of public money was set aside to develop, the biggest losers were the Malays. Forming some 60% of the population, beef is a major alternative protein source for them aside from chicken and fish. Pork is prohibited to them under Islam.

Like all Malaysians who have been feeling the pinch of higher food prices, the Malays who also form the majority of the lower income workers are smarting at news of how Umno Women's Chief Shahrizat Jalil had allegedly abused her position in swinging the NFC project for her family to manage. However, in the words of the Auditor General's report, the project was in a "mess" and far short of target.

PKR leaders have since accused Shahrizat's family of siphoning RM83 million from the project, spent RM10 million to buy a luxury condo in Bangsar and RM800,000 to finance a family trip. Yet Ibrahim Ali, Perkasa and other 'defenders' of Malay rights have maintained a deafening silence.

"At the very least, we would expect them to demand a full probe by the MACC. It is another confirmation the real purpose of Perkasa is to defend the Umno elite and not even the Umno grassroots who will all be hurt by the project's failure. Each time a national project fails, all of us become poorer, except of course, for those who did the plundering. They will only get richer," PKR MP for Batu Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

Malaysia Chronicle

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