
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 17, 2011

The 'K' factor

Kerbau, korupsi, kronisme, keluarga, kondo, korek (Bukit Bintang, Jalan Sultan), kapal (ta’selam), kollapsing (stadium), krack-ed (MRR2, roof of Parliament building), kepala-sakit (for Auditor General), konstitutional (blasphemies), kurang konscionable (fabriKations), kowtim-ness (Indonesian ‘bisa diatur’) … etc etc etc.

The Malaysian K factor.

No doubt every country in the world suffers from corruption, but the difference lies in its degree. Today, Malaysia has reached the level of Zimbabwe, Myanmar, Pakistan and the Philippines of Marcos’ days and India of yonder years, etc.

How did we allow this to happen, when did it begin, but more importantly how can we stop it?


Just look at the corruption in Pakistan and other Middle-Eastern country where hudud is part of their legal system. No man, hudud won't the solution.

Look at that pimple on China’s backside, Hong Kong. Many don’t realize HK’s much vaunted ICAC was patented after Malaysia’s original ACA.

But today the Malaysian ACA or its new named MACC is an obscenity.

We were once the envy of many Asian nations but now, we have become the new laughing stock. Yes, we still have some fat to continue in our merry ways but these are running out soon, which may explain why we see an unrepentant horrendous frenzied scramble for the last dip of the snout in the public trough.

We badly need a modern-day Hang Jebat, one who is pure in his heart, brave and honest.

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