
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Malaysians, Arise and Claim Our Fundamental Rights

Do you remember the PM's speech on the eve of Malaysia Day this year where he said that "the Government will also review section 27 of the Police Act 1967, taking into consideration Article 10 of the Federal Constitution regarding freedom of assembly and so as to be in line with international norms on the same matter … (emphasis added)

… a Malaysia that practices [sic] a functional and inclusive democracy … in accordance with the supremacy of the Constitution, rule of law and respect for basic human rights and individual rights." (Source: HERE)

Recent developments have shown that those who rejoiced at that announcement two months ago are now up in arms with the recent announcement that the Peaceful Assembly Bill will be rushed into law with unusual haste without adequate public consultation.

A statement by Lim Chee Wee, Malaysian Bar Council President, said:

This Bill, Lim explained, was also not in line with international norms because of, among others:

Prohibition of street protests (defined widely as “open air assembly which begins with a meeting at a specified place and consists of walking in a mass march or rally for the purpose of objecting to or advancing a particular cause or causes”);

  • Prohibition of organisation of assemblies by persons below the age of 21 years;
  • Prohibition of participation in peaceful assemblies by children below the age of 15 years;
  • Unduly onerous responsibilities and restrictions on organisers and assemblies; and
  • Excessive fines for non-compliance with the Bill.

Members of the Bar have now been called upon to march to object to this Bill. The walk will take place next Tuesday, 29 Nov 2011, from the entrance of the Royal Lake Club to Parliament House, to deliver the Bar’s Proposed Amendments to the Peaceful Assembly Bill to YB Datuk Liew Vui Keong, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department. Members are advised to gather in their court attire at 11:30 am outside the Royal Lake Club entrance.

According to Malaysiakini:

At a press conference n Petaling Jaya, Bersih 2.0 chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan said the proposed Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 was even more repressive than a similar law passed recently in Burma's military-dominated Parliament.

"It is shameful that Burma can propose a far more democratic law than us.

"It is a terrible insult to Malaysians because we were promised more democracy, but now it is the opposite," said Ambiga, who is a former Bar Council president.

The Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 has been widely criticised by human rights groups, including the government funded Human Rights Commission (Suhakam), and Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

Many have argued that the Bill seeks to provide the police and the home minister with more powers and banning street demonstrations altogether.

The first round on Dewan Rakyat debates on the Bill will kick off on Tuesday.

As a concerned Malaysia who believes in democratic rights, I urge every single Malaysian to do one or as many of the following:

1. Send an sms or email to your MP to ask him to voice our rejection of this bill when the Bill is scheduled to for its second reading and debates in Parliament this coming Tuesday (29 Nov).

Bear in mind that only a simple majority of votes from the MPs who are present is needed before it is passed.

Also remember that of the 222 MPs in the Dewan, 137 MPs are from BN, 75MPs are from PR and 10 others are independent MPs.

You can get the contact details of your MP AT THIS LINK. I have sent an email to my MP and I hope you will too!

Sample of email:

Dear YB

I understand that if the Peaceful Assembly Bill is passed, my rights under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution (freedom of speech, assembly and association) are under serious threat.

As my elected representative, please voice my rejection of this Bill at the Dewan Rakyat this Tuesday (29/11).

Thank you!

26 November 2011 (Saturday) @ 2pm.

Venue: KLCC Park near the Water Fountain


3. If you are in Penang, SUARAM has called for a Peaceful Assembly against the Peaceful Assembly Bill on Sunday 27/11/2011 at 6.30p.m. at Speakers' Square, Esplanade, Penang.

4. If you are a lawyer, please walk in solidarity with other lawyers on Tuesday from the entrance of the Royal Lake Club to Parliament House, to deliver the Bar’s Proposed Amendments to the Peaceful Assembly Bill to YB Datuk Liew Vui Keong, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department. to support the move by the Malaysian Bar Council.

Even if you are NOT a lawyer, walk with them!!! TURN OUT IN FULL FORCE and let them know how the rakyat really feel about being robbed of our democratic rights!!

5. And if you are free tomorrow, the Committee of Free To Assemble Campaign/Kempen Kebebasan Berhimpun invites Malaysians to the Candle Light Vigil to Demand the Withdrawal of the Public Assembly Bill immediately.

In an email to many Malaysians, the secretariat argued that:

"This Bill is more repressive, contrary to Article 10 (1) of the Federal Constitution and is more severe than the previous act.

Therefore, “Jom Ke Jalan” to reclaim our fundamental rights.

Information is as follows:

Date: 26 November 2011
Venue: Merdeka Square (Flag Pole)
Time: 7.30pm

Malaysians, please ARISE, WALK and CLAIM OUR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS by doing whatever you can to voice your objection to this Bill NOW!!!! It is each citizen's right to assemble and express themselves. The time has come again for Malaysians to voice our demand for what is not only our rights but also in the interest of justice and humanity - without fear or favour.

Thank you!

- masterwordsmith

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