
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 14, 2011

Meddling into Gerakan fatal for BN

Unwarranted intrusion can result in the party opting out from BN and forming a formidable third force, says a veteran BN leader.

GEORGE TOWN: A local Barisan Nasional leader warned that any meddling by outsiders in Gerakan politics to choose Koh Tsu Koon’s successor for the Penang BN chairman post would be fatal.

The senior state BN leader, who declined to be identified, said any unwarranted intrusion into Gerakan politics can result in the party opting out from BN and forming a formidable third force.

He warned that a third force led by Gerakan would damage BN electoral chances within the Penang-Malacca region.

If Gerakan leads a third force, he predicted, it could even replace BN as Penang opposition.

“BN component parties know that it would be detrimental (to BN), especially in Penang where we believe we can regain our lost political footing,” he told FMT here today.

However, the leader is convinced that no component party has or will meddle into Gerakan affairs in choosing Koh’s replacement to lead the state BN through the next general election.

As it is, the leader said BN leadership, both at state and national levels, has left it to the Gerakan leadership’s discretion to decide.

He quashed press speculations that the BN national leadership had decided on Koh’s political secretary and former state Gerakan secretary Ong Thean Lye to take over the position.

He also dismissed rumours that BN component parties were against the appointment of Gerakan secretary-general and Padang Kota assemblyman Teng Chang Yeow as Koh’s successor.

He rubbished such supposition, saying that as far as state BN leadership was concerned, it was Gerakan’s call to decide on who should lead the state BN.

Koh’s blue-eyed boy

It’s learnt Koh has discussed the issue with the state and national BN leadership.

However, another state BN leader said a decision had not been made on “when and who” would replace Koh although four candidates have been mentioned.

“The issue was never discussed and finalised. BN has left it to Gerakan,” he said, dismissing speculation of Umno’s interference.

The four Gerakan frontrunners for the job are state chairman and national vice-president Dr Teng Hock Nan, former party secretary-general and Bukit Bendera MP Chia Kwang Chye, and state vice-chairmen Chang Yeow and Ong.

Of the four, ageing Dr Teng has been brushed aside as an “old newspaper” even by his own peers, let alone Gerakan’s younger members and BN parties.

“Dr Teng is even under pressure to quit Gerakan leadership,” said a prominent local politician.

Geraklah Gerakan – the party voice of the grassroots movement formed to oust Dr Teng last year – is likely to back the junior Teng, 47, who is also Koh’s blue-eyed boy.

Koh was speculated to propose the younger Teng as his successor at last Friday’s BN top brass meeting. Some speculated that Koh has opted for Ong, 51, and would announce it this week.

However, state BN leaders claimed that they were never notified on this. Gerakan grassroots members, however, feel that Ong was not up to it.

Right captain

A Gerakan politician pointed out that the position of state BN chief, vis-à-vis Gerakan, was actually the coalition’s chief minister-designate in the next election.

He said Ong was more suitable to be an administrator or state executive councillor.

FMT learnt that some in Gerakan and BN would favour Dr Teng’s arch-rival Chia, the current party state liaison committee officer. They believe Chia would be ideal for the job.

“He is robust and has the strongest party grassroots backing. He would be the right captain to navigate the BN’s ship through the anticipated rough sea. Most importantly, he won’t kow-tow to Umno,” they said.

Some even said it would be an ideal partnership if the younger Teng takes over from Dr Teng as Gerakan state chief while Chia helms state BN.

Whoever Koh names to succeed him, he must do it before or on Nov 16 dateline that he gave himself to quit the state BN post at last month’s Gerakan national delegates’ conference.

“Whatever it is, the state BN must get a strong-willed and decisive captain to face DAP and company in the next poll,” said a BN leader.

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