
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Papagomo "Exposes" Indelible Ink

Folks watch the video first.


Does anyone know what is the opposite of "indelible"? Is it 'delible'?
I am not surprised at all that this Indelible Ink is actually not very indelible.
It is used by still backward societies like in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan or in Africa. Indelible ink may work in those countries because crooks may not be able to get turpentine or sodium chlorate (??) solutions easily from pharmacies and hardware shops (that are found everywhere in Malaysia) to scrub and wash off the "indelible" ink and then go and vote again. But as Papagomo has demonstrated, it will not be a very difficult thing to do at all here in Malaysia. Our hardware shops and pharmacies sell all these chemicals.

By the way, the indelible ink used by Papagomo in the demo video is made by an Indian company called 'Mysore Paints and Varnishes Ltd' (you can see it on the packaging) which is a company that is owned by the State Government of Karnataka in India. This is their websitehttp://www.mysorepaints.in.

The company is real, the packaging looks real (cheapo Indian packaging) and they have a website.

Some dunggus who think they are clever make fun of Constitutional rights that will arise from this "indelible ink" issue. The question they also have to answer is this : what if on Election Day, someone turns up with all his or her ten fingers already soaked in some dark coloured dye or ink? Dont believe me? Here is a picture :


Everyday now hundreds of women have their fingers decorated or "painted" in dark coloured henna. I dont know how they control this in India or Afghanistan but certainly in Malaysia, this is their Constitutional right - to paint their fingers any colour they want - even on Polling Day.
So how are you going to dab the "indelible ink" on their index finger if it has already been soaked in ink or dye? Do we then pass another law that says 'ladies and men cannot use henna or use any kind of dye, ink or paint on their fingers on Polling Day'. Dont we have enough laws already in this country? You have to amend the Law again, maybe amend the Constitution as well.
I think these are the type of issues the Attorney General was hinting at. Sadly, loyar Melayu cannot suss out this simple argument.
Folks we need a strong Opposition in this country. But the Opposition in this country is made up of people you would not want to invite to your back door. A bunch of uncouth, low life with little manners or polish. And no need to talk about their intelligence. The vast majority are just stupid. A tiny few are ok but if I list them out, I might sound racist pula. Yang pandai sikit semua satu bangsa saja.
They are out of ideas. Listen to them carefully - what exactly is their platform? If the BN dunggus do not bungle so many times, these Opposition folks will have nothing else to talk about. They have no platform, no common goals that are workable for all Malaysians, no economic program - nothing.
And their heroes are the worse kind of corrupted UMNO rejects. They hate UMNO but their leaders have been rejected even by UMNO for being too corrupt. Can you believe that? And they have hoisted these same UMNO rejects upon their shoulders? Are these people mad, stupid or both? And their leaders are still doing their best to rejoin UMNO. (Some have already rejoined UMNO).
So 'indelible ink', 'reform the Electoral Laws', repaint the tigers stripes are just silly red herrings they can think up.
As I have suggested before, if they want real electoral reform - lets just do three things.
i. Lets limit the tenure of the Prime Minister, Menteri Besars, Chief Ministers to two terms only.
ii. Lets fix the Polling Date, no more guesswork.
iii. All political parties MUST declare their funds. Where they get their money, how they spend it etc.
By the way, does anyone check their annual accounts?
That is real reform of the political process. Not some silly 'indelible ink'.
Just for your information folks, pengundi hantu was invented by the PAS clowns in Kelantan. People holding Thai and Malaysian citizenships (a common occurence along the border, because the people were there first, the border came later) were part of their election strategy.
And until today in the Permatang Pauh constituency, there are houses which have tens of people registered to vote from one address. Yet, they keep quiet over this. Hypocrites.
So these people know how to bend the rules.
In the video Papagomo makes the suggestion that this is why they are pressing for this indelible ink option. Gomo says they may have some tricks up their sleeve. I will not be surprised. These folks are good at underhand tactics.

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