
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 23, 2012

Police chief blind to blatant gangsterism

YOURSAY ‘When will the police stop lying? They should know that nowadays, everything goes viral the minute it happens.'

'Anything But Umno' rally disrupted, one injured

your sayGerard Samuel Vijayan: Is the CPO (chief police officer) blind or plain stupid? Watch the video recording and then comment if there was no disturbance or intimidation. Where were the police?

Or is it okay for Umno-BN supporters to act like thugs and gangsters and get away with it? So the police condone a culture of lawlessness?

It sickens me to see such incidents where racist abuse and rowdy behaviour can flow free with impunity at a peaceful gathering of people with different political views.

People are reluctant to make police reports because the police will then turn around and accuse them of instigating the trouble. This is very common in a force that is ethnocentric and biased against other races.

Truth Unfold: The video footage is evidence enough for Selangor top cop Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah to get the culprits and charge them for their rowdy actions and taking the law into their own hands.

These ‘samseng' (gangsters) must be instigated by some quarters of high-level people, otherwise they wouldn't have the guts to behave in this manner.

The statement by the Selangor top cop just goes to show that the integrity of the police force has been compromised.

Just days ago, on Jan 16, Malaysiakini reported Penang top cop Ayub Yaacob saying that despite efforts by the police force to maintain high standards among its officers, there are some who are yet to understand the meaning of "integrity".

Fairnessforall: Selangor police chief Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah is a big liar. There is a video footage on what happened. It was clear the Umno gangsters and the mat rempit had come there to cause trouble and were bullying the attendees of the forum.

When will the police stop lying? They should know that nowadays, everything goes viral the minute it happens, so they can't lie.

The Rover: I am sure when the CPO made those comments, he spoke in a very professional sounding voice accompanied with well-rehearsed gestures.
This is yet another performance in the art of denial - which is the standard reaction of these running functionaries of a fascist regime. And they all get very well paid for it - with bonuses added - all for nothing productive.

Anonymous: This is Umno's 1Malaysia! We do not need stupid slogans to tell us racial unity is important.

Gordian Knot: I have seen this video (on the aggression by the government and its supporters). If the police consider this assault by the goons as "nothing happened", I have lost all remaining faith in the police.

British Malaysian: In Bolehland, "all men are born equal and Umnoputras are more equal than others".

PM Najib Razak lectured the world at the KL conference of 'Global Movement of Moderates' that Malaysia promotes and practises moderation. That's the mother of all lies.

Malaysians should vote wisely and remember ABU - Anything But Umno.

Pemerhati: We now have four people who have 'Tun' as their normal or titled name, giving the word ‘Tun' a bad name.

Leading the pack is Tun Mahathir, the ‘billionaire thief', followed by Tun Ling who is being tried for corruption in what appears to be a ‘sandiwara'.

Then there was Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah who conducted the Altantuya Shaariibuu trial where he, the judge and the police conducted another ‘sandiwara' and went out of their way to protect the person or persons who had the motive for Altantuya's murder.

Now we have Selangor police chief Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah (could be a brother of the other Tun), who in the face of massive and clear video evidence to the contrary, lies blatantly by saying, "Nothing happened, the residents were unhappy, that's all. No BN or Umno supporters who disturbed them."

Nowadays, hardly anyone in the government can be trusted to speak the truth. The only way to save this country from deteriorating further and going to the dogs is by voting ABU.

Concern Ctzen: How can the police say nothing happened when we can see in the video so clearly that the man was injured till he couldn't walk and had to be carried to the hospital?

This motorcycle gang, who were they? The police should be able to catch them immediately, for the video has all their faces. Let's see how effective our police are now.

Dr Jacob George: Who was that obese idiot who was provoking and criminally intimidating the forum goers?

It's embarrassing when some people in positions of authority say stupid things before examining the evidence. Perhaps that sums up whether there are indeed double standards here.

Anonymous: Can anybody expose the identity of the fat guy? I know the police will say that they are unable to identify the persons involved. Just expose the fat guy, then people will know what to do.

Queenie: Tun Hisan, these are the products of your manipulation and engineering, the ‘ketuanan' race upon whom rests the future of the country.

Who knows there may be a few towering Malays among them, pathetic goons who are a poor representation of the ordinary Malays who want to get on with their lives. It's little wonder that BN is fast losing ground.

Jean Pierre: Why does Umno have this suicidal tendency? Now even MIC members are going to vote for the opposition.

Thana55: Tun Hisan, who are you working for? Can I remind you, that the people pay your salary and we demand justice. No one should be able to take the law into his own hands, however unhappy one can be.

2CTS Worth: This gangsterism can only go back to the scenario when Ah Jib Gor said 'we must defend Putrajaya at all cost, even with our crushed and dead bodies'.

The instigation stems from this threat uttered sometime back, and strangely by a person none other than the PM himself. Shouldn't he be arrested?

Alan Goh: Don't play, play... these are Umno storm-troopers who believe that when all things fail, then might becomes right - riding their motorcycles into the hall where the ABU meeting was being carried out, threatening the organisers and behaving like gangsters as though there is no law in the country.

This is what Najib means by 'over our crushed bodies'?

Macha97: What remarkable patience shown by the organisers. "Bertenang (stay calm)," said the MC in the face of the fat lout. I got to salute that. - Malaysiakini

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