
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Update on UPSI

Najib and Flom still enjoying holiday overseas.
Since becoming PM, there were many death, social unrest and now PDRM and FRU are hurting MALAY STUDENTS.
The students and Malays will not be threatened anymore by anyone especially UMNO Government.

1 comment:

  1. sorry. if i may correct u on one thing, they are not only hurting Malay students, there were chinese too. at least, i saw one. so, they actually hurt students. students yg kononnye they value as future leaders~do they forget that they actually holding something which is not theirs? they are just holding the 'inheritance' for a while before they pass it to us. there are thousands cases unsolved at every police station, every court. why go after the students who just express their needs? why dun give us our right? if u gave us the right to vote as early as 21yr old, why cant give us the right to involve in SOMETHING WE HV RIGHT TO VOTE?HOW CAN WE VOTE IF WE CANT INVOLVE AND UNDERSTAND THE THING WE ARE VOTING FOR? and why police n fru tu sume biadap sangat??org ckp elok2 yg dorg nk emo x memasal apesal?best ke jd followers cmtu? jeles ke ktorg ni sume ade bakat jd LEADERS? or at least ktorg ade otak utk fikir and ade ball utk stand for our right~police ade? no. police just stand for the GOVERNMENT'S RIGHT. xde telor nk stand for pendapat or fahaman sendiri sebab TAKUT KENE BUANG, XDE KEJE~hello, its not najib or rosmah yg bg u all rezeki okeh~Allah yg bg~klu ah polis2 tu sume takot Allah mcm dorg takot najib n rosmah ni, memang aman seluruh dunia~


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