
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Azmin denies affair, slams pro-Umno blogs

PKR deputy president Azmin Ali has denied claims in pro-Umno blogs that he was caught on camera in an extramarital toilet tyrst.

Azmin was referring to pictures uploaded on blogs such as onpapagomo.com, which are claimed as video stills of the act.

"I strongly deny this slander which are aimed at me and my family. This slander is being spread by media organisations controlled by Umno who are quoting from pro-Umno blogs," said Azmin in a statement today.

NONEAzmin said that Umno-linked groups are repeating the same modus operandi used by the 'Datuk T' trio which released a sex-clip depicting a man resembling PKR de factoleader Anwar Ibrahim last year.

He claimed that he was the target of a vicious series of recent attacks on his character.

He said this started with several former political allies questioning the paternity of his daugther, to claiming that he had insulting the Malay Rulers and now most recently, allegations that he had sparked the Bersih 3.0 chaos.

"I, my wife and daughter have performed a DNA test twice in July 1998. Both results proved that the allegations were untrue.

"But Umno is still repeating vicious allegations against me over the past 14 years," he said.

He said that since this has failed, his enemies were trying to use a sex scandal as a way to destroy his political career ahead of the general election.


  1. Now French prosecutors found a document, Najib sought a US$1 billion (RM3 billion) “condition”. God is wonderful, he brings things to light & punishes. An economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore said that the Malaysia might have lost as much as US$100 billion since the early 1980s to corruption (RM300 billion = 300,000 million). RM33 million an hour! RM800million a day. Malaysia Chronicle: “For the first decade... Malaysia has lost a staggering RM1.08 trillion (US$338 billion = RM800million a day) in illicit outflows which is the fourth highest in the developing world…The Global Financial Integrity (GFI) reported in January that RM930 billion flowed out of Malaysia from 2000 to 2008

  2. Then, on top of that, they will lie, cheat in elections, sabotage opposition & kill to stay in power & boundless luxury, without the slightest concern for the people who elected them. PM, Home Minister etc weren’t even elected, often handed from father to son on a platter. What a giant, stinking can of worms. You should have Bersih rallies everyday until these crooks are put in jail & stolen money repatriated to the people. Alan Newman, NZ – NZ, one of the most democratic & un-corrupt countries in the world.

  3. We are adults! Even a child can see what has been going on in the last 55 years: Voted into power; create mega projects, buy submarines to get giant kickbacks; plunder & steal the wealth from the Country; enjoy immense wealth & luxury; need to cling on to power; so control media, deceive the people, lie & twists the facts; sabotage Anwar & the Opposition; steal the elections….Why do you think Mahathir’s sons are directors of 200 companies and drive some of the most expensive cars in the world, eg the Ferrari Enzo & the RM5.5million Bugatti Veyron… Taib & Cronies live in palaces, his daughter-in-law demands a RM400mil divorce settlement... Hell is awaiting. Many natives in Sarawak had their land grabbed from them, they don’t even have electricity & good drinking water.

  4. Evil, incumbent BN/UMNO planted a policeman to provoke & cause problem then blame on Bersih:

    London Olympics project completed on schedule may 2012 and below budgeted costs! Has BN/UMNO ever completed a project without costs overrun? Never! Impossible, with all the corruption & kick-backs


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