
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bersih 3.0. Throwing Up on Overthrow Conspiracy

True to everyone's expectation, at least the thousands who attended Bersih 3.0 exactly seven days ago today, which is Happy Wesak Day today to all Buddhists, more conspiracy theories are being vomited out from the mouth of the ruling regime!

1Malaysia and former leader ole TM2 have now accused those who came out as plotting to overthrow the government via foul means than lawful means. Lawful means you do it via election. Never mind how the election process is being held or being undermined by those responsible to carry out a clean, just election process.

If you want to whack and demonise the many thousands as doing something illegal, you got to first brand the gathering as illegal. Next you view every action of theirs as breaking the law. Next you spot anyone touching a hair of the enforcement officers or even if a marcher's shadow fell across the barricade, we can supposed it's deemed breaching the barrier and warrants wanton acts of excessive action, incessantly and indiscriminately gassing your people or chemical laced them just to ensure they OBEY THE LAW!

The leaders have now turned prosecutor, jury and judge, accusing all the thousands at Dataran and the world that supported the event as conspiring to overthrow the government the illegal and unlawful way.

And looks like their security apparatus have taken their leader's word for it and now warrants them to go on a witchhunt we can supposed to hunt everyone down who is not with them or willing to scratch their back huh?

Just as the action of the police and the rogue protestors have injured and angered the nation (depending on which political affiliation you subscribe to), noone is willing to come forth to heal the nation and to find out what are the causes of the huge support. Of course, there are those who said what's 250k or whatever number compared to 23 million silent majority? The 250k is even less than the allegations of millions of migrants being registered as voters to ensure the status quo remains.

So the 250k is up against the tide of the alleged millions of nationalised migrants and the 23 million silent majority (assuming these 23m are anti Bersih fellows), which means those who came out have only emitted a small fart to hardly made the rest twitch and be noticed right?

Anyone who believes, whether a matter of perception or based on the facts, that if leaders are corrupt and untrustworthy, they should be changed. In short, it's regime change right? In BolehLand, the only legitimate way is via an election. Whether the process is clean or transparent is secondary which seems the attitude of many who support the government.

So if people want a regime change, why does our leader choose to use very revolutionary words like 'overthrow'? If in an election the people voted to throw the present set of leaders out with another, isn't it also overthrowing them? So there is something really sinister in the leaders using words like 'overthrow' by illegal means. And such words are vomited by leaders to the rural folks, a good tactic to instill disgust and hatred by these rural folks that there are urban folks out to overthrow their beloved leaders via illegal means?

We wonder if there is a difference between the 'illegal' way as in mass gathering or revolution or what have you, vs the 'illegal' way committed by fraud and unjust voting process via the supposedly 'legal' way?

Guess it is ok and legitimate to overthrow a legally elected state government like in Perak because it does not involve a federal government huh? Let's hope BolehLand folks are not inflicted by this 'muda lupa' mentality hah!

It's already seven days, there is still so much bitterness on the side of the government and the police in their witchhunt against those who whacked the police or breached the barricade. The MSMedia who were screaming about their journalists being hurt have been rather lukewarm and mute about seeking justice for their journalists. What more can we depend on the MSMedia to also care about the public who got whacked by the law. There are some who even go to malign foreign politicians and don't seem remorseful about it.

The MSMedia continues to attack and insult the thousands of peaceful marchers in their write up, vomiting out the conspiracy theories uttered by BN leaders. The MSMedia are make themselves the arch-devils doing the bid of their masters in demonising the thousands.But then, the MSMedia have been yes editors and journalist all this while so we can't really expect them to be the conscience of the people. Odd, foreign media seems to be taking on that role and our local MSMedia are screaming like babies about falsehood reporting by foreign media? The difference is local MSMedia wants to capture the sainthood of the government and the devilish acts of the people, those who buy their papers or subscribe to their service. What irony huh?

Noone even see this as an opportunity to heal the nation, to find out what the real frustrations of the many thousands. Instead, the full force of the government machinery and institutions are being used to whack the thousands out there. They are further dividing the wedge between the government and the people. Perhaps the government has this confidence and arrogance that the 23 million plus millions over 'nationalised' migrants are on their side that they are vilifying those who don't share their way of government or doing things. It's this modern day feudal mentality of our leaders.

These are seen as attempt to overthrow the government, huh?

At the moment, no leader wants to use the race card to paint on the thousands who turned out. Let's pray they don't because if they do, it would be the biggest mistake and will backfire. MCA tries to subtly use the race card to show to the Chinese who came out that they are being misled by a Malay leader. But it backfired because MCA has been misled by their Malay masters for over 50 years hah!

So expect to hear the ole brush of 'overthrow' conspiracy being painted on all those who came out seven days ago to legitimise the government to shift and separate those who are with them and those against them. Already the strong arm of the law is being wielded against all those they brand as 'against them'.

What if those who came out said it was God's call for them to rid the land of evil? Would their claim be legitimate too? Or will they be accused of being loonies and devils in sheep clothing (which opponents of Bersih have already branded them)? Whose Allah Akbar is really legitimate or false? Those uttered by the government or by those whenever they fire salvos of teargas on the people, or the people who are being victimised, whacked or are trying to defend themselves against being whacked by the government?

The sad question is, or is it sad anymore but just braindwashed mentality of Bolehland folks, to believe what the government says is true and what their opponents say or think are lies. There seems no middle path. The government is bent on drawing the line of who is with them and who is against them. The government wants to put up more barricade and razor fence to separate them and us.

If 1Malaysia believes that the gathering is an attempt to overthrow the government via street protests, is it a prelude to legitimising their witchhunt and demonising the thousands who came out?

The government has all the means to bridge the gap and heal our nation. But true to its leader's attitude and behaviour, he and his government are adopting the stance which is one of the many features of his regime. 'You help me I help you, you scratch my back, I scratch yours.' Anything else is 'you deserved the teargas, water cannon, getting whacked' we can supposed eh?

The latest attempt on using the 'overthrow the legitimate duly elected government spin' is nauseating and makes many (including the many thousands who came out on April 28) want to throw up on this 'attempt overthrow conspiracy'.

1 comment:

  1. how to overthrow???these greedy, dictators, leaders, ministers' buttock already glued so firmly on their chairs .........million people also can't overthrow these bloody foolslah


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