
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, May 8, 2012

DELAY STATE POLLS: Should Selangor be as dumb as Shahrizat's husband's cows?

DELAY STATE POLLS: Should S'gor be as dumb as Shahrizat's husband's cows?
The Selangor state election will not be held this year if the Prime Minister dissolves the Parliament any time after June. It will not be held simultaneously with GE-13 if the state of the electoral roll continues to be in a mess.
Prior to this, Selangor chief minister Khalid Ibrahim had warned Selangor would not hold its state election if GE-13 was going to be held before June. But now, even if the GE-13 is going to be held between June and December, PKR will not instruct Selangor to have its state election at the same time as the EC has to come clean on the electoral roll which is still very suspicious and may be over-bloated with fictitious names.
There is every reason for the state government of Selangor to comply with the direction of the dominant party in control of the state assembly, which is PKR. Thus Selangor cannot but hold its elections later as instructed by the top PKR leadership.
PKR has a strong reason to delay the election even if it has to stand alone from the other three allied states - Penang, Kedah and Kelantan. Selangor will meet with the Election Commission first to solve its quandaries about the electoral roll.
Highly dubious rolls
It is now an open secret that the lists of voters or electoral rolls across the country have been infested by thousands of dubious name. Thousands of foreigners have been registered as voters, especially in the Malay areas.
Selangor found that many voters from Sarawak and Sabah were registered in the state. The phony voters in the state are placed mostly in addresses that do not exist for the sake of getting more fake voters on the rolls. In one case mentioned by the Chief Minister, he found that many voters live on the 7th floor of an apartment building that has only five storeys.
All the voters are untraceable.
Before this, fraud cases were also traced during past elections. However, there have never been such blatant outward deception such as this.
Najib will use the 'Pekan' trick
Prime Minister Najib Razak has tried to make all constituencies similar to his Pekan seat. He won the 1999 general election with a wafer-thin majority of 200-odd votes, and these only 'materialized' towards the end of the counting. He is said to have wept before he was declared winner.
In the following election, Najib's majority surged to tens of thousands. If Najib can do this to Pekan, then the first election to comes under his administration, obviously he will try to implement what he did there to all other Malay areas, especially those where BN lost in the 12th GE.
He plans not only to save all the states under BN but also make it easy for BN to recapture the opposition states except for Penang.
If the states under Pakatan are willing to participate in elections that have such messy electoral rolls, it means the Pakatan Rakyat is ready to let its neck get slaughtered. What is more, Pakatan will look more stupid than a slaughtered cow.
A cow about to be sacrificed does not want to be slaughtered. But after its four legs are tied, head, neck and its whole body mass is pressed down, unable to struggle again, people will be able to slash its neck. So those who accept such contaminated electoral rolls are as good as offering their own neck for the sacrifice without even having their legs tied up.
Surely, Selangor's PKR-led government does not want to look as stupid as Shahrizat’s husband’s cows. Therefore, it must insist the EC cleans up its list of voters in the state before the elections.
Why be a cow led to the slaughter
We will witness how Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof and his deputy try to rebut the arguments and evidence brought forth by the Chief Minister, Khalid later.
If the general election is held earlier and it includes all parliamentary seats in Selangor, then the dirty list will be used. We can expect to find all the Malay seats won by the Pakatan to be defeated.
And if the EC refuses to clean up the register prior to the State Election, then we will see what Selangor’s course of action will be. The best thing for Selangor to do is not to dissolve its State Assembly.
Let Najib's central government that will come into power due to fraud dissolve the State Assembly even if they can only do it on the last day of its term.
On that day, if Najib wishes the state government to be that slaughtered cow, at least it will be the type that needs to have its legs tied before its neck can be cut.
Najib, BN and the EC are truly fearful of Pakatan Rakyat, and it is only a month away now. So far, all the preparations for the GE-13 is done in fear.
Harakahdaily (Translated by Huzainah A Rani of Malaysia Chronicle)

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