
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Is it an attempt to sabotage Najib?

The protests outside S Ambiga's house seem like a deliberate attempt to undermine the prime minister's good work, says a MIC leader.
PETALING JAYA: The protests outside Bersih 3.0 chairperson S Ambiga’s residence appear to be an attempt to sabotage Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
Commenting on the latest proposal to hold a night market outside her house in Bukit Damansara tomorrow and Friday, a MIC leader criticised the organisers for descending to despicable levels.
Party central working committee member S Vell Paari said Najib since coming into power in 2009 had made numerous attempts to win back the confidence of non-Malay voters.
“But these so-called protests are turning the clock back. It seems as if these are deliberate attempts to undermine the prime minister’s good work.
“If this continues, BN can forget about non-Malay votes. Many of my Malay friends are also disgusted with what is happening, so you can forget about their votes as well,” he told FMT.
Vell Paari warned that if left unchecked, then the question of Pakatan Rakyat winning the next general election would not arise as these mindless actions would ensure that BN loses Putrajaya.
‘If you are brave enough…’
Without mincing his words, the MIC leader challenged the traders to set up stalls in front of PAS leaders Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat or Abdul Hadi Awang’s houses instead.
“If you are really brave enough, go and do it in front of their houses or even (Opposition Leader) Anwar Ibrahim’s house since all of them supported the Bersih rally.
“Don’t be cowards and harass a woman. This is distasteful and gutless,” he stressed.
He said the critics of Bersih had always used culture as a basis for their argument to discourage Malaysians from participating in street protests.
“Now I want to ask these traders, is it our culture to intimidate and harass women?” he said.
Vell Paari also said the traders’ action to spray-paint the road outside Ambiga’s house to create lots for the stalls amounted to vandalism of public property whereas auctioning these lots was an illegal transaction.
“Does this mean other groups can draw up similar lots outside the DBKL office and sell them as well?” he asked.
Vell Paari also said if the government could charge PKR leaders over the Bersih rally, then these traders should also be hauled to court for defying a Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) order.
“If they proceed with their plan, then it will be in violation of the law and they must be punished. Unfortunately, there is no legislation which outlaws ignorance,” he added.
Vell Paari said that agreeing or disagreeing with Ambiga’s actions was a separate issue but when the line of civility was breached, the perpetrators must be taken to task.
“We cannot keep quiet just because we are afraid we will upset certain quarters,” he added.
Time to ‘bite the bullet’
The MIC leader also said it was time for BN to “bite the bullet” with regard to the Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28, which saw tens of thousands taking to the streets demanding for free and fair polls.
“It is time for the prime minister to engage Ambiga in a civil discussion or this situation is going to spiral out of control and further damage the nation’s image,” he added.
The undeniable fact was, Vell Paari pointed out, Bersih’s clarion call was heeded by more than 100,000 people.
“Aren’t those who participated in the protest Malaysians as well? Doesn’t the government represent them as well? So it’s time to engage Ambiga in the proper manner.
“Our prime minister is a people’s man and he has been constantly engaging people from all walks of life, and now it is time for him to do so with her as well. This is my request to him and I believe Najib can do it,” he added.
Failing which, Vell Paari cautioned, certain forces would ensure that BN self-destructs in the next polls.
Vell Paari also said the opposition cannot be demonised for jumping on the Bersih bandwagon because that was politics.
“They saw a platform so they jumped on it, similar to how BN will jump at an opportunity to raise its profile,” he added.
Following the Bersih rally, traders had set up a burger stall outside Ambiga’s house to protest over the losses incurred on April 28.
After that, a group of ex-servicemen staged a vulgar aerobic exercise and now there was the proposal to set up a night market by a prominent businessman and Umno member.
On the other hand, Ambiga was praised when she urged an NGO to reconsider its decision to erect a thosai stall outside Deputy Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar’s house.
The former Bar Council president said that Malaysians must respect private spaces and not carry out actions that could amount to public nuisance.
Khalid was targetted when he told the media that the police could not act against the protesters outside Ambiga’s house since they did not commit any criminal offence.
It is understood that the attacks on Ambiga had caused concern among Umno’s coalition partners since the general perception was that these actions had the blessings of the former.
‘BN is not behind this’
Meanwhile, Selangor BN publicity chief Yap Pian Hon denied that the ruling coalition was behind the protests.
Although the organiser was an Umno member, the former MCA vice-president said his action had nothing to do with the ruling coalition.
“There is a perception that BN is behind this. Let me state it clearly that the ruling coalition has nothing do with this. He (the organiser) is acting in his personal capacity,” he added.
Yap said all parties must respect the decision made by the authorities regardless of their political affiliation.
“DBKL has clearly rejected the traders’ application to set up a night market. Everyone must respect the decision made by the local authority,” he told FMT.

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