
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 25, 2012

Let's pray for healing: An end to all the bullying and lying

Let's pray for healing: An end to all the bullying and lying
Brothers and sisters are washing dirty linen in public. Morally bankrupt people are using God's name in vain. Spinning and more spinning by those who know they would be rendered powerless should there be a level-playing field. Incarcerated even for all the things they have done in the past and are still at it. Disrupting the lives of the righteous by making use of small fries who need some distraction of their own and don't mind the stipend paid. Meanwhile innocent bystanders are injured and maimed.
Really, what's going on? This is not our way of life.
We are Malaysians, soon celebrating our 55 years of being independent. We are Malaysians, well known for our warm hospitality. We are Malaysians, who tell others our diversity is our strength.
We are Malaysians, all of us are. Malaysia is our motherland and we share a common destiny. So, please tell me, what's going on?
Hurting each other
Why are we hurting each other? Why are we not working together to make this a better country? Why are we, after 55 years of independence, rolling back to those dark days when we were colonised, only now by fear? Fear of saying and doing the right thing? Is this what all these recent incidents of harassment and intimidation are all about? Trying to frighten us with cowardly thuggery? An impression of anarchy so that "puppeteers" can cling onto power? Are we independent or not?
I don't even dare to walk on the streets alone, clutching my handbag. I don't encourage my kids to take public transport. They tell me tales of how some of their friends have lost personal belongings while riding the tube. Someone even said she feared for her life when she came face to face with a policeman recently. The days are getting hotter but where's the warmth from fellow Malaysians?
Non-stop lies and bullying
Our national heroine is accorded a primal display of the derrière and beef sold in her presence when she's a Hindu, just because there are some who are cowed by her. Some born and bred here are not accorded the same rights as the next Malaysian while others have taken over their identities in a covert attempt by again, the same cowards. Some just want to be left alone doing our own thing, not trespassing on anyone, yet there are those who don't even own a single moral fibre in them see it fit that they should be marginalised. Is our diversity not something to celebrate, now? What happened to tolerance and acceptance? The colours of Malaysia are no more a selling point?
Some days, it really infuriates me to see all these bullying. Most days, I just feel real sad, like today. Old ladies battered, little ones stitched up, - where's our sense of decency? What happened to respect for the elders? What happened to protecting our lil ones from all evil and harm?
A small group wants to hang on to power. So, they turn brothers against brothers, sisters against sisters. They are trying to create anarchy through their hate and fear mongering. Small minds are playing into their hands. Small minds belong to small people. So, let's not go down to their level. Let's be the bigger person here. Let's pray for each other. Let's pray for healing, that Malaysia heals. We have to heal. We need to heal.
God bless.
Malaysia Chronicle

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