
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 25, 2012

Meet Ambiga-hater Shahrul, the man behind the failed 'Kelantan Fiesta'

(Harakah Daily) - A quick background check on individuals who have been organising mob protests outside the house of Bersih 2.0 co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan in the past few days will reveal interesting connections.
ROMANTIC ROWDY?... Shahrul with Nora, and (below) with dozens of youths he brought to hurl abuses at Ambiga, May 24.
Last week, Harakahdaily tracked 'butt-protest' leader Mohd. Ali Baharom, to a news report in 2011 about his confession that he paid a whopping RM2 million in order to get Datukship.  On May 15, Ali and several middle-aged men armed with placards containing explicit caricature, stood with their rears pointed towards Ambiga's house.

Yesterday, his ilks decended on Ambiga's house again, bringing with them dozens of school boys on motorcycles who raved their machines in the quiet residential neighbourhood.

While 'petty trader' Jamal Md Yunus's enormous wealth and restaurant franchise are no longer a secret, another individual who was yesterday seen spewing racist and abusive language outside Ambiga's house was Shahrul Nasrun Kamarudin.

The Kelantanese, who heads the so-called Gerakan Belia Gagasan 1Malaysia, has been reported to be dating local actress Nora Danish, whose ex-husband recently tied the knot with another local actress.

Not long ago, when local tabloid Kosmo! in its trademark gossip section criticised Shahrul for publishing on his Facebook a picture of him 'cuddling' Nora, a single mother, it was blogger 'Papagomo' who made a passionate defence of Shahrul.

According to the staunchly pro-UMNO blogger, who has a penchant for uploading sexually explicit images to prove a political statement, Shahrul was the exco member of UMNO offshoot Perkasa's Youth wing and the CEO of events management company Red Carpet Worldwide.

Red Carpet was the company behind the 'carnival-that-was-not' which took place in Kota Bharu in 2010, called 'Karnival Kelantan Fiesta 2010', where only 300 people attended despite much fanfare.
Nik Aziz 'abused'
The expensive event, organised by state UMNO leaders led by its liaison chief Mustapa Mohamad, was dogged by political interference and soon fizzled out after a snub from the Sultan of Kelantan, then the acting Sultan, and a boycott from Kelantan Menteri Besar Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.
In the end, even prime minister Najib Razak, the main guest, stayed away from the event, and in his replacement, Mustapa stood on the stage and spoke using a loudhailer amid a power blackout caused by thunderstorm. A planned live-telecast of the event by RTM was also called off.

According to whistleblower website The Kelantan Insider, the Sultan cancelled his attendance because Red Carpet did not follow palace protocol.

The blog further revealed that Shahrul's father had during the rehearsal for the event on June 14, 2010 uttered derogatory remarks about Nik Aziz, calling him “berak atas pusu” (ie., one who claims credit for something he does not deserve).

The blog also claimed that Nik Aziz was asked not to attend the opening ceremony, and that Red Carpet would gladly return the state's sponsorship of RM200,000 for the event.

If true, then Shahrul's action outside Ambiga's house was a case of being chip off the old block.

"She's the dajjal (the Muslim equivalent of the anti-Christ), she defends apostates, the LGBT (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders)," he was heard shouting, as he delivered his protest memorandum containing an array of abusive labels on Ambiga.

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