
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 25, 2012

meet Dr. shaman....

This man hates everything associated with Israel. This man hates anyone who is seen as a threat to exposing his corrupt ways. He hates the West and all things White. This man also hates anyone who criticises or stands in his way. In fact this hate he breeds and breaths is actually the only outlet for his own insecurity and in his failed state of matters. He's a corrupt racist and an evil fascist rolled in one. A poor and frustrating excuse for being a human. A man with a black heart ! The only difference between him and Satan is, this man's for REAL and Satan is an "imaginary"character out of holy books ! 

Perhaps he is not reading the news on the ground or is too scared to allow new changes for fear someone will expose his corrupt ways( now that is an open secret). His failure for not positioning his favourite son to succeed him in politics was his biggest regret as he jealously eyes the power hand-down situation from father to son, in that little red dot south of Johor.

He is soon, like everyone of us, going to meet his Maker and yet won't try an atone to all his past and present wrong-doings but continue to spew hate among the races and speaks like a shaman on the future of this country. He single-handedly destroyed this country in his 22 long years of dictatorial rule as prime minister. And he now talks of violence if the Opposition did NOT come to power.

Can someone tell him of the many violent attacks by the police against citizens at civil society rallies or the many attacks by his thugs in UMNO at Opposition ceremahs or personal attacks and protests at Ambiga's house that is becoming the UMNO norm ? Was it not the current prime minister Najib, who said UMNO will defend Putrajaya with their last drop of blood ?

Is this man not the one who dons a "keris" and is Grand Master of Perkasa ( another "hate-all-things-non-Malay" group and the "shit-stirring squad" of BN ) and still pulls the strings or call the shots of the BN and Najib's government ?

Can somebody please make him SHUT-UP ???
Now read the whole story here.

p.s. wow ! after writing this post.....I'm feeling just as good as this old man at "hating" ! Phew... that's good therapy for anger management ! woot....woot !

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