
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Opposition 'violence': Mahathir must be blind

YOURSAY 'What does he mean when he says Pakatan will cause violence when all this time it is the victim and Umno the aggressor?'

Dr M: Bersih 'violence' a warm-up to Pakatan GE loss

your sayKairos: Who actually is causing the violence? The ex-PM needs to open his eyes to see that it is the opposition ceramah that are being violently disrupted at the moment.

So what on earth does Dr Mahathir Mohamad mean when he says that the opposition will cause violence to stay in power when all this time the opposition members are the victims and Umno is the aggressor? Is he blind or what?

He is simply talking rubbish that don't make any sense at all. He must be so senile that he cannot distinguish between who's who.

Anyway, the ex-PM has lost his credibility a long time ago and his audience is shrinking fast by the day. Only idiots like Perkasa and their like still suck up to him and that's understandable, because birds of a feather flock together.

Besides PM Najib Razak, Mahathir has the most to lose should the opposition come to power. So be careful of this old man because his survival instinct can cause him to do really stupid and destructive things, even to the extent of sacrificing the peace and harmony of the nation.

Absolom: Of course, the opposition will probably not win. How can they, when they need to secure around 80 percent of the votes just to get a simple majority.

How can they win when they cannot even put up their case to the voters via the media, and now not even in ceramah without getting bashed and obstructed by thugs.

Who has created the violence so far? Did the Bersih 3.0 supporters start the violence?

There was trouble created in so many gatherings organised by the opposition and NGOs, but not at those by the BN. Why? So who started these?

Mahathir is just setting the stage for the possibility that the ruling coalition will lose. If there is trouble after that, then it will be done by the same people doing it now.

This guy is evil and will do well to try learn from his daughter. Doubt it, though.

Retnam: The only time there was violence was when Umno lost in 1969. All the time opposition has been losing, but there is no violence. This time it appears that Umno is going to cheat left right and centre (not that it has not done it before) to win the election.
So Mahathir is pre-empting the cheat-win by claiming that opposition is going to create violence. Sorry lah, you are too easy to read.

Inspektor Klueso: History always have a habit of repeating itself. In this perspective, no matter how dominant and oppressive the reigning regimes of the day are, eventually they fall, violently or otherwise.

The death throes of the Umno tyranny is already so very apparent. Shrill denunciations of "order at all cost", increased thuggery and intimidation, etc.

Dynasties a heck of a lot more powerful, the Roman empire, the numerous Chinese ruling families, all gradually disintegrate, mostly via internal rot, and largely because the people simply can't stomach the excesses anymore.

Yet, in the end game, the thugs are always delusional in reading the winds of change. Mahathir is no exception.

Gobsmacked!: I have browsed through all the comments inMalaysiakini. If only Mahathir could take a look at some of them. He appears to be completely out of sync with the truth and I just hope and pray that nobody takes him seriously.

Otherwise one completely loses touch with reality. Black is white and vice versa. What is the truth anymore? Does objectivity matter at all?

The best thing is to ignore his comments and we are all the more healthy for it. For all you know, whatever he says is intended to rouse a lot of angst and bring out the worst in all of us.

Just laugh it off. He has lost his relevance - a has-been whose use-by date has long expired.

Vgeorgemy: Dr M, you lost the plot as Merdeka Centre now says92 percent of the rakyat feels the nation's electoral roll is tainted. We now demand immediate implementation of Bersih's recommendation without any delay.

Unspin: Every time he blames his successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (AAB) for the rot, I feel like slapping him (figuratively, of course, because I would not descend to his Perkasa level).

He handpicked AAB because he thought that AAB was a soft guy who would stupidly carry out all his mega-projects to ensure that the gravy train does not stop. When AAB went against his wishes, he sabotaged the poor guy every single step of the way.

My theory is that he is still very sore at AAB, not only due to cronyism reasons but because AAB, to a certain extent, allowed more freedom to Malaysians to speak their minds.

This old tyrant does not like that at all and he wants to bring us back to the dark days when he once ruled us with an iron fist.

Anonymous #37634848: I am indeed very sad that Dr M is still pouring oil into the fire instead of playing the role of a statesman to quell the violence and gangsterism.

He appears to be playing the reverse psychology to frighten the rakyat and the opposition. The violence is what Umno-BN promise should Pakatan win GE13. They will do exactly what Dr M has announced.

PM Najib Razak and other government leaders seem to be in cahouts with Dr M. Otherwise, they should give instructions to stop this thuggery and hooliganism.

LittleGiant: This is the most idiotic statement made by Mahathir todate. I can't believe that the ex-PM who held office for 22 years has such an extremely shallow and narrow-minded view of the Bersih movement.

Mahathir should know very well that the people hated his administration more than Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's.

With a huge mandate given to Abdullah in the 2004 GE, the people had hoped and expected that he would be bold enough to correct all the wrongs done by the BN government during the Mahathir era. But it was not to be.

While Mahathir himself went all out to undermine his successor, Abdullah in turn committed some blunders and destroyed the trust people placed on his administration.

All through his premiership, Mahathir had the audacity to find scapegoats for his wrongdoings. He is still doing it.

HangTuah: Dr M, 99 percent of the commentators here disagree with you on what you have claimed. For long you have encouraged violence and fear to cow the populace so that BN remains in power.

The violence continues but certainly not perpetrated by the opposition. We can see for ourselves what is going on and you are kidding nobody. The BN government does not care a damn for the rakyat and exists only to continue to plunder the country's coffer.

Cannon: What a twisted character! A side that's confident of winning does not need to resort to foul play. A side that's winning does not find it necessary to knock at the door of the other side suing for "unity".

A side that's winning does not need to throw money at the electorate to bribe them for votes. Only the side that wants to win at all cost will play dirty, like what it's doing now.

Umno has sunk this despicable level resorting to gangsterism. So, what is electoral fraud to Umno? Bersih has established the proof of need for electoral reform.

Umno is violently opposed to free and fair elections and is very afraid that the electorate will know the truth about thegerrymandering, irregularities and rigging of the electoral list.

The harassment of Bersih co-chair S Ambiga and the violence by the Umno goons and lackeys in Merlimau and Lembah Pantai fit a pattern of intimidation to prevent Bersih and the opposition from going down to the people.

Doc: Dr M's politics of fear have no effect on the masses in this day and age, thanks to the Internet, which helps prove that state-run propaganda is a farce. - Malaysiakini

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