
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, May 23, 2012

'Seditious' anti-DAP propaganda DVDs exposed

Two anti-Pakatan Rakyat DVDs in the Chinese and Malay languages have surfaced in Penang and are currently being distributed to households.
NONEState DAP secretary Ng Wei Aik said the DVDs - entitled ‘Tanah Melayu di Langgar Todak’ and ‘Teoh Beng Hock - Finding the Truth’ - are aimed at discrediting the opposition, especially the DAP.
He added that the DVD on Tanah Melayu was “seditious in nature and littered with baseless allegations to serve the political agenda of the Barisan Nasional”.
The contents of the video touched on racial and religious issues including allegations that the DAP-led government in Penang planned to abolish Malay rights, prohibited the azan, the Muslim calls to prayer, and the annual Prophet’s birthday procession.
NONEThe video also alleged that despite the opposition leader’s post being held by a Malay Muslim, PKR de factoleader Anwar Ibrahim, the DAP was the mastermind behind the running of the Pakatan states like Selangor, and earlier, Perak.
It showed the new DAP-led Penang government allegedly evicting people from their homes and demolishing hawker stalls belonging to the Malay community.
It claimed that DAP reps did not respect the monarchy and the religion of Islam, when the party’s national chairperson Karpal Singh planned to initiate legal action against the sultan of Perak for allegedly interfering in the state's political crisis.
NONE“What the video portrayed is that Karpal was suing the Sultan because His Majesty wanted a PAS candidate to be the Perak menteri besar. This is untrue, they want to confuse the people,” said Ng (right).
“It was meant to show that the DAP is anti-Islam, anti-Malay and anti-bumiputera. We condemn the DVD because it contains lies and hope the police will take action on the distributors because the allegations are seditious,” he added after screening the videos to the media.
‘DAP women not dressed appropriately’
The video also made an issue of Seputeh MP Teresa Kok and Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching being dressed “inappropriately” during Malay Muslim functions, while Kok was shown wearing a cross.
NONEPenang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was not spared either as the video alleged that he had rented a bungalow in Jalan Pinhorn with the rakyat’s money.
Ng clarified that as the chief minister, Lim is provided with a housing allowance for his personal residence, and condemned the video for trying to twist facts.
Meanwhile, the video on deceased DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock to show how the opposition has allegedly politicised the issue to serve their purposes was also screened to the media.
The Komtar assemblyperson expressed hope that the people would judge for themselves after seeing the videos, as it was not possible for Pakatan to control distribution of the DVDs in all the areas.
DAP has yet to decide on whether to lodge a police report on the matter, saying it would wait for the force’s response before taking further action.
“The police should not wait for us to lodge reports to act on this. Such publications can incite racial and religious sentiments and unrest,” he warned.

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