
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, July 27, 2012

2012 - the year Merdeka Day usurped by BN

YOURSAY 'Fulfilling promises also include fighting corruption, not abusing power and ending racist policies. Is BN fulfilling all these?'

Online survey calls for change to Merdeka Day theme 

your sayStarr: The respective responses from Information Minister Rais Yatim and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Ahmad Maslan show they can't distinguish their respective roles in the government from that in Umno-BN.

Clearly, the motto ‘Promises fulfilled' has the connotation of electioneering, promoting the message of Umno-BN to the electorate.

Besides, in terms of ‘promises fulfilled' since independence, the electorate in Sabah and Sarawak will surely have lots to say about that. Judging from the sentiment of our brethren from the East, not even the Malaysia Agreement on which the nation was founded has been respected, let alone ‘promises fulfilled'.

Does the motto represent in essence, a slap on the face of Sabahans and Sarawakians and an insult to their intelligence?

Anonymous #18452573: Hopefully Malaysians will wake up from their deep 50-year slumber and realise that it is time to take back our country from the self-serving and self-absorbed politicians who use Malaysia as their personal playground to put up signs on Merdeka Day selling their personal ideology and self-indulgent public relations motto of ‘Janji ditepati'.

Odin: Fulfilling a promise is indeed a universal good value, but in this case, it is as clear as crystal that the government is preaching what it itself does not practise.

YF: If Umno and BN want to make a fool of themselves during Merdeka Day, then let them. It would be written in the annals of Malaysia that Umno was so, so desperate in 2012 that they had to hijack this auspicious day with their own political slogan.

It will be a lifetime hall of shame for Umno. Umno never learn from the history of fallen fascists of the past. Too bad.

JMC: Fulfilling promises also include fighting corruption, not abusing power and ending racist policies. Is BN fulfilling all these?

Baiyuensheng: The 1Malaysia slogan has already failed, what more the others. The 1Malaysia slogan is so fake, I want to vomit whenever I see or hear this slogan.

Pain Killer: What promise has BN made? You scratch my back, I scratch yours?
'Tan Sris' involved in buying fake degrees, say cops

Fairnessforall: The police should release the names of all those who had bought the fake degrees. As they said, it's an element of fraud. And please don't only release the names of those in the opposition.

We know the bulk of those so-called tan sris and datuks who had purchased fake degrees are those from Umno-BN, as proven from their idiotic statements they have been making which clearly shows they are neither educated nor smart enough to get a degree.

Dhammika: This discovery is not new. Business people have also bought doctorate degrees, master degrees, etc.

An audit has to be done so that such fraud is not prevalent. Those found guilty must be charged. Their desire to obtain a fake degree is with intent. Start cracking on this highly serious problem.

Sampah Doctorate: The government and professional institutions should form a task force to screen all master degrees and doctorates, and charge those with fake degrees. If they are employed, they should be made to return their extra salaries and their promotions should be cancelled.

Gggg: I think this problem is more serious than it seems. Don't be surprised if you find one of these perpetrators working as an engineer in a plantation sector of a public-listed company. The professional bodies should conduct an audit on all those holding posts by virtue of their academic qualifications.

Anonymous_408d: I have never respected the titles of tan sri, datuk, etc, as we know that those - along with their fake degrees - can be bought.

Antidespots: There is absolutely no difference in buying a datukship or a tan sri title from a fake degree.

Why only go after people who sells degrees, really? Malaysians know that almost all datuks paid for their title, and with so many issued each year, that it has become a joke. This has become a very lucrative business for the sultans.

Tan Sri titles are catching up, too, all for a price. This is a very sick and shameful situation when you do not really have to contribute positively to the country, and a sultan is willing to give you a title, all for money.

Thus, it is not surprising for a child to ask the father how he got his title, and why he or she should not simply purchase a degree instead of studying for it?
Orang Jauh: So what if the offenders are tan sris or even tuns? What bearing has this got? Why the need to announce it?

A fraud is a fraud, and the culprits must be charged just as you would if he or she were the toilet cleaner. Perhaps while you are at it, check too if the tan sri title is real.

Swipenter: This is just a reflection that many in our society who are corrupted by the ‘apa pun boleh' (anything goes) mentality, and are but fake in reality.

These fakes have plenty of hot air, talk big and loud but have little self confidence and real substance. They have to buy titles, degrees, trophy wives and girlfriends and what not to bolster their (fake) image.

Skong: Talk, talk, talk and more talk. What about those selling fake ICs and driving licences? Show us real action and bring the perpetrators to court.

Hermit: In this world's best democracy ruled by a false democrat, money can buy anything. For a good amount of money, Umno has been trading titles.

Even parliamentarians and assemblypersons can be bought to turncoats, although the asking price now is apparently more than RM5 million.

A former Perak DAP assemblyperson was said to have received more than RM5 million to jump ship, and later she was awarded a datukship allegedly for her feat in engineering Perak into Umno's hands.

For the right amount of money, you can buy anything in this country.

Telestai! So what if the degrees are fake? Is this more important than the rise in violent crime happening all over the country? Is this not a diversion from more pressing issues? - Malaysiakini

1 comment:

  1. http://www.forbes.com/sites/surekhaayadav/2012/08/14/singapore-tops-the-gdp-charts/
    Financial experts now rank Singapore the world’s No. 1 in income per capita and will remain top by 2050. Yet Singapore has little natural resources that Malaysia has. Ask your conscience : What has UMNO done for M’sia in 55 yrs, other than racism, apartheid, in-equal treatment of races, corruption; plunder & squander of hundreds of billions; sabotage of opposition & human rights NGOs; lies, crime; control of media to deceive the people; rigged elections to remain in power. What has UMNO done for the people! Look at Singapore! Shame on Dr MM, yr PM and all their present and past cronies. All a giant can of worms. Out they go in GE13.


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