
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, July 14, 2012

30-acre prawn farm: How much did Noh pay?

YOURSAY 'Let me see. First get cheap land. Then rent that piece of land out to a third party. Typical Ali Baba.'

'Something fishy with Noh's 30-acre prawn farm land'

your sayMyop101: Whatever it is, the agriculture minister bought it way back in 1995. The state government can dig up the records and check whether the price he transacted then is at a discount or premium to the valuation then.

If he bought it at a steep discount, perhaps then you can ask him how Noh Omar managed to get it.

Mosquito: Sekinchan assemblyperson Ng Suee Lim, what is wrong with a landowner entering into a deal using his land?

I agree with Myop101. So far you are yet to show that the land was purchased below market price (crony price?) in 1995 when Selangor BN deputy chief Noh Omar was not an MP yet. Sorry, I do not see your point.

Wira: Let me see. First get cheap land. Then rent that piece of land out to a third party. Typical Ali Baba.

Why was he given that piece of land if he wasn't directly making use of it? Is it because he was then an Umno warlord?

Anonymous #47094963: The next question is, if one were to look through his declared income and tax record, would he have been able to afford to buy the land?

Kolopilah: I live in Selangor. The only piece of land I have is that small piece that came together with the double-storey terrace house I am in right now which I call 'my porch'.

The house was sold to me some time ago with something called 'the hard-earned money'. And to think that this primary school bully got 30 acres...

Blind Freddo: There is a saying that goes, "Great people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, small people talk about other people."

So far in this election campaign, the vast majority of the talk has been about other people. Very little has been spoken about things, and most of that is off-key. Nothing has been spoken about ideas.

Changeagent: And your point is, Blind Freddo? Not to talk about Scorpene submarines, Ampang LRT (light rail transit), NFC (National Feedlot Corporation), PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone), MAS (Malaysia Airlines) bailout, Altantuya Shaariibuu, Teoh Beng Hock, A Kugan, etc? Just talk about ideas?

Kit P: It looks like BN's prospective candidate for Selangor menteri besar has already been exposed as a crook even before he gets warmed up. I'd prefer MB Khalid Ibrahim any day.

AnakBangsaMalaysia: This begs an amendment to the old proverb... "Ada udang di sebalik batu, ada Noh di sebalik udang." - Malaysiakini

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