
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

AG's appeal: This smells like revenge

YOURSAY 'Chua Soi Lek was never prosecuted for fellatio although there was video evidence. There is no logic in the AG's action.'

AG files appeal against Anwar's acquittal

your sayFerdtan: Head of the Trial and Appeals Division Kamaluddin Md Said, which is more important - appealing to higher court for a review in a sex trial or a review of a murder trial?

Stop wasting our taxpayers' money. Why appeal against Anwar Ibrahim's sex trial verdict when the judge had made a clear-cut judgment that the crucial DNA sample/evidence could have been 'illegally' tampered by a senior police officer?
Compare this to the lack of appeal to the higher court against the acquittal of Abdul Razak Baginda in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case. There were many inconsistencies and the main witnesses were not called.

Razak is the only person, and not the two PM's bodyguards who were sentenced to be hanged, who had a link to Altantuya to provide a motive for the murder.

DPP Kamaluddin, is it because one is the opposition leader and the other a friend of Prime Minister Najib Razak?

Pemerhati: Najib (and before him Dr Mahathir Mohamad) and Umno are terrified of the charismatic Anwar because they feel he is capable of defeating them in the elections.

Najib reused Mahthir's strategy of using trumped-up sodomy charges to keep Anwar and his PKR lawyers busy so that they would not be able to devote much time to the electorate, and if necessary put him behind bars.

Initially, the behaviour and statements of the specially selected kangaroo judge indicated that Anwar was going to be imprisoned. But Najib, well known for his vacillating behaviour, seemed to have had a last-minute change of mind, possibly because of pressure from foreign sources and the fear of an electoral backlash. He thus told the judge to find Anwar not guilty.

Now he has decided to again keep Anwar and his lawyers busy with the appeal and he will use his kangaroos in the appellate court (probably the same ones he used in the Perak case) to pass the verdict he decides at that point in time.

Quigonbond: This can only work if they speed through the appeal. Even then, I think time is short. It's only good news for BN if BN survives the next elections.

But since Anwar says he's not running for political office anymore past next general elections, I don't see what this does to BN except, again, to drag their face over the same old manufactured sex scandal, and to make the old man happy.

Well, I say good, if it takes away a few more votes from BN.
AnakBangsaMalaysia: One need not be a die-hard Anwar fan to know that attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail is - after Mahathir - the man who lives in greatest fear of Pakatan taking over the federal government.

The list of his abuses of power is unaccountably long. The moment the Umno-BN regime falls, Gani Patail must be seized and held to account.

Kgen: Is the AG acting in the public's interest or in Umno's interest? What is the benefit to the public of pursuing a case of so-called consensual sodomy for which the accused had been acquitted?

In the first place, what adults do in their bedrooms is none of the government's business.

MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek was never prosecuted for fellatio although there was video evidence. There is no logic in the AG's action. I have only disgust for the latter.

Tailek: I must commend the AG's Chambers on their efficiency. In Anwar's acquittal, the AG filed an appeal so quickly but in Razak Baginda's case (which was an accusation of murder), no appeal was filed at all.

In a murder acquittal, an appeal would be filed as a matter of course, but not in this case.

There is clearly a case of double standards here but more importantly in Razak Baginda's case, it was a travesty of the rule of law and a failure of the Malaysian justice system.

Odin: Get a compliant judge to preside over the case and to pass a guilty verdict. Then apply the law of Islam relevant to the case, that is, kill both the sodomist and the person sodomised.

That way, Anwar will be gone for good. Once he is out of circulation, Pakatan Rakyat will collapse. The BN will then be able to retake the four states now under Pakatan. Well, Najib?

Wira: The AG has to appeal. Otherwise, how can he respond to the judgment that the DNA evidence could not be upheld because the judge was of the opinion that the authenticity of the DNA could not be ascertained, thus suggesting a planted job.

That would require an automatic investigation into the conduct of the police investigators. We all know from Sodomy I where this will finally point to.

Mob1900: The AG should be brought to court instead for wasting taxpayers' money and the court's time. How could a public prosecutor office file an appeal without revealing the grounds?

Armageddon: People get murdered, C4-ed, raped, kidnapped, etc, and the AG is concerned about one individual's bottom, which the court had already found not guilty.

Is this what we call caring for society or abuse of power?

Dr Jag#04496187: The appeal by the deceptive AG is akin to hurling a tennis ball at a speeding Sherman tank. - Malaysiakini

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