
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Amber Lights are Flashing for UMNO/BN

UMNO leaders can talk big for all they want but they can’t stop the inevitable. Maybe Najib doesn’t know it but 60% of those ex ADUNs and MPs who attended his invitation the other day, are not exactly born again UMNO/BN supporters.  The only ones who were enthusiastic were the select few who got golden handshakes in the form of lucrative contracts and businesses. These people came in the standard UMNO class vehicles- in their BMWs and Mercs. But as Najib also know, these are the very people who are not going to work hard to secure victory. They will go to see Najib or Muhyidin offering snake oil solutions and BS. It’s not going to work this time.

The rakyat can already see through the hypocrisy and deceit.

He also knows that just a 3% swing in popular votes, UMNO is left with 71 seats; with the same vote swing, MCA ends up with 10 seats and MIC is reduced to 2 parliamentary seats.  More likely, MCA may only end up with 2 parliamentary seats having lost legitimacy among Chinese. The Chinese could probably achieve more though their guilds and associations than MCA. DAP is now the natural party of choice for the Chinese.

My prediction is BN will end up between 97 to 114 seats. We are going to see a new government in Putrajaya. We expect the Chief Secretary to tender his resignation. We will request Sidek Hasan to relinquish his post as Chairman of PETRONAS. We will let Najib know the business of government is not like playing musical chairs.  Najib stops the music and shoves a chair underneath Sidek while pulling away some seats meant for other people. There’s no telling what Sidek will and can reveal If Sidek were allowed to fall. It’s almost a protocol nowadays for former senior servants to kiss and tell all.

We will deal with Azman Mokhtar and see what Khazanah has been up to. We will put their books under the knife and allow accountants to look at how and what the Ivy Leagued university boys have done with our funds. We will ask all loss making GLCs to stand and be counted and if after the count, they can’t stand, we will close them. We will ask Syed Mokhtar to reduce his debt exposure because we cannot allow such huge debt exposure to threaten our financial system and bring economic collapse to our country.We will also haul the bank that breached the limit in lending to one particular borrower.

Probably the UMNO leaders have talked themselves into becoming blockheaded to deny the overwhelming rejection of UMNO/BN by the people. 90% of the Chinese reject UMNO-BN and so UMNO tries to stop the rising tide of discontent by pitting Malays against Chinese. I hope the majority of Malays are sensible enough to be aware that numerically the Chinese will never be able to replace Malays. Malays can always find protection other than UMNO. It’s time for Malays to believe in the law of the land and in themselves as means to his salvation. Malays do not need UMNO to survive.

Do we see Malays dying in the streets in Kelantan since PAS took over the state 20 years ago? Do we see Malays dying all around in Penang now that UMNO-BN has been ousted in that state? Those people getting agitated at being ejected from KOMTAR last year were UMNO traders who did not pay rent for umpteen years. They are easily replaced by other Malays who actually want to trade and pay for business premises. Do we see Malays dying in Selangor? Do we see mosques being closed down?

Only the most insensitive Malaysian Indian will want to support UMNO-BN after the hang Ambiga outburst. Believe me that statement was not done in a fit of absentmindedness. It was a calculated statement designed to create fear in those who oppose UMNO thinking. UMNO can’t disassociate itself from one of its `star performer’ in parliament. The UMNO MP who said it, said what UMNO thinks in private but doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to say it out in the open. Other than one or two airheads in parliament UMNO will use its subsidiaries such as Perkasa, and other hastily created political NGOs.

This GE13 is the chickens coming home to roost elections for UMNO-BN. It will be the perfect comeuppance for UMNO-BN for its 50 years of ruinous policies that are tearing up society, pitting one race against another, lining up its oppressive forces against the oppressed, the emasculation of the judiciary, and the destruction of the real Malay economy. UMNO can no longer justify its relevance to Malaysia and its people, especially the Malays.

UMNO leaders can say whatever misleading claims they want. In a recent gathering of ex wakil rakyats at the PM’s residence, Muhyiddin claimed to feel a resurgence of support for UMNO and BN. That’s laughable given the various possibilities when vote swings take place as we cited above. Najib meanwhile acknowledged that this GE13 is not going to be easy and rightly so.

This time, unlike previous times, Malays are no longer engrossed at the prospects of only changing the UMNO president. This time people want to change the government. That’s a different ball game. The driving forces are different. People are driven by the revulsion to corruption, economic exploitation, wasteful spending, and disregard for the principal of accountability, gross incompetence and bad leadership.

It’s difficult for UMNO to claim that only it is capable of bringing development. It’s not something unique only to UMNO. All governments in the world bring on development. Even communist countries bring on development.  That’s how governments earn legitimacy- managing the economy and the people.

In 4 short years, the Pakatan governments in Penang, Selangor, Kedah have shown they can do better than UMNO governments. Imagine what they are capable of achieving in 10-15 years. Kelantan has paid up all its federal debts while UMNO lead states are mired in insurmountable debts. They are Insurmountable because they keep piling on with zany ideas and pork barrel projects.

No one can do any worse than UMNO/BN.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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