
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 20, 2012

AMOK OR DRUNK: Police must come clean on renegade inspector - MCA

AMOK OR DRUNK: Police must come clean on renegade inspector - MCA
The Royal Malaysian Police have to be impartial and prompt in their investigation concerning the issue in Seremban whereby a police officer was caught on camera pistol whipping a hotel employee.
The police force should investigate the incident with a high degree of justice, responsibility and transparency in order to give an explanation to the public
It was allegedly reported that the said police officer had drunkenly attacked a hotel employee after an argument by hitting him repeatedly with his pistol and had later on vandalized several cars. The police officer has now been arrested and is under investigation.
What if he had opened fire?
The CCTV footage of the police officer hitting a civilian is outrageous, and I shudder to think of the consequences should the police officer had decided to open fire with his pistol instead of using it as a hammer to hit others.
It is the responsibility of the police to maintain social order and to protect lives and ensure the safety of property. In performing their duties they are granted the right to bear arms, but in doing so they must be extremely discipline and be of professional conduct. Certainly they must be expected to acquire higher standards than that of the ordinary layman.
Such actions by the said officer have shown that he is a threat to public safety and this is intolerable. Should the police not provide a clear explanation to the public, their credibility will undoubtedly suffer a severe and crucial blow.
Datuk Dr Ir Wee Ka Siong is MCA Youth National Chairman & Member of Parliament for Ayer Itam

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