
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, July 29, 2012

Anwar confirmed heading to Sabah

KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 — Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is expected to be in Beaufort tomorrow, offering a clear signal to date of shifting allegiances in the ruling Barisan National (BN) coalition’s eastern stronghold.
However, aides to the PKR de facto leader were mum over whether Anwar would attend the launch of the Sabah Reform Front (SRF), a new political movement set up by Sabah’s Kadazandusun community.
Earlier today, Anwar(picture) had tweeted that he “would be breaking fast in Tuaran and Beaufort tomorrow”.
His chief of staff, Ibrahim Yaacob, confirmed only the trip to Beaufort but could not say what activities Anwar would be attending.
“He has just arrived from Medina this morning and will be Beaufort tomorrow, but what programmes he will be attending we don’t know,” he said.
Speculation is rife that the SRF will ally with the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pact ahead of key national polls due within the next nine months.
Yesterday, Sabah PKR chief Ahmad Tamrin Jaini was reported as having received an invite for Anwar to launch the SRF.
Beaufort MP Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin and Tuaran MP Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing were said to be the organisers of the event.
Lajim quit his post as Kerambai Kebatu Umno branch chief last month but maintained that he was not leaving the party to join the opposition, while Bumburing, who is also deputy president of the United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (UPKO), quit his BN division chief post last week and has been coy of his chances of crossing over to PKR.


  1. mereka dah nyatakan akan keluar BN.biarpun mereka keluar dari BN, tak bermakna BN makin lemah, BN pasti akan terus kukuh.

  2. Anwar memang berbesar hatilah sekarang ni sebab Lajim dan Bumburing suda bagi signal untuk menyokong pakatan rakyat.

  3. Isn't Anwar who 'bought' Lajim in 1994?

  4. Not sure about Bumburing but Lajim can't be trusted.

  5. Anwar datang kerana dia tahu tanpa Sabah dia tidak akan dapat menang Putrajaya.

  6. Jadi jangan terpengaruh dengan apa yang Anwar cuba janjikan. Semua itu cuma perangkap semata-mata.


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