
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, July 23, 2012

Best Opposition do not give us ex-BN characters as their alternative candidates come next GE

The next General Elections is just round the corner - and the people are ready to vote out the Barisan Nasional, in favour of an alternative government 

But there are still lingering doubts as to whether there will be any real changes when the alternative government comes in .... will we witness an 'Animal Farm' situation where people and political parties just transform into just another 'BN type govetrnment '- where nothing changes only the people in power and their cronnies...

Since 2008, many NGOs, civil society groups and individuals have treated the Pakatan Rakyat and their state government less critically -  a 'giving chance' stance - Why? They are new, and need time...and they have yet to oust the BN government ...and that is a bigger PRIORITY

....and noting also the  environment like Malaysia where main stream media(TV, Radio, Print Media,  is still effectively pro-BN and anti-Opposition, anti-workers, anti-people...and the environment where true freedoms of expression, assembly,....etc is almost totally a bsent or suppressed by the authorities so badly... A small failing highlighted may have been blown out of proportion and dominated the media .... So some people who desired CHANGE held back..., I believe. 

The desire for change ....for getting rid of the BN (led by UMNO) that has ruled us since independence - people want a change .... they want a difference....and this feeling and attitude dominated - resulting also in a less open and critical stance adopted against the Opposition...

Now, there is a concern that come next elections, we will find a lot of ex-UMNO, ex-MCA, ex-MIC,...ex-BN MPs and ADUNs, even ex-Ministers, standing as candidates for the Opposition coalition - and this will be most disturbing. We want a real alternative - so, it is important that this is reflected also in the candidates of the Opposition.... [PKR supreme leader is an ex-UMNO member - a former Deputy PM of the BN government -- and a large number of PKR are ex-BN memebers - but when it comes to choosing of candidates, it is essential for the candidates chosen who were ex-BN be kept to a minimum - And if these ex-BN people are trully committed to change ...to REFORMASI, they will in fact be happy to stand aside and not insist on being chosen as MP/ADUN candidates.... Those who insist...and say that if not  allowed to contest in the upcomuing GE they withdraw the suport and those of their cronnies are really persons that the Opposition parties must purge....for we do not need them...]  We do not MPs/ADUNs who will threaten to jump if they do niot get this or that for their personal or their cronnies gain.    

There are so many good persons available out there, those who were not ex-BN, with a long history of struggling for justice and human rights .... so, it is my hope that the Opposition do not present us with these ex-BN members, MPs, ADUNs and leaders as their alternative candidates...

Malaysians really want to get rid of the BN - and enjoy being governed by an alternative government....so give us proper good candidates come next General Elections...

- Charles Hector

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