
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, July 9, 2012



KOTA KINABALU: The proposal by Sabah Umno Kota Kinabalu Chief, Datuk Faisyal Diego for Barisan Nasional (BN) to set up a Disciplinary Bureau will be discussed by the state Liaison committee.

“We will discuss and study and if there is a need, we will set it up,” Sabah BN Liaison chairman Datuk Seri Musa Aman said.
Musa who was met after officiating the division’s annual delegates’ meeting here yesterday said this when asked to comment on Faisyal’s proposal which he made during his speech at the meeting yesterday and also at the division’s Puteri Movement recently.

Faisyal when making the proposal said that for the sake of its future, BN needs to set up a Disciplinary Bureau to deter any ‘sabotaging’ of the Coalition’s candidates by its members.

“I urge the BN leadership to consider this proposal and set up a Disciplinary Bureau so that there will be no instances of sabotage in the future. This is because in Umno, when a member goes against a BN candidate, that individual will be sacked from the party.

“So BN should have a disciplinary bereau to prevent its members from sabotaging the coalition’s candidates. Anyone who does that is a traitor… they must face disciplinary action and be sacked,” Faisyal said.

Meanwhile Gerakan state Liaison chairman Datuk Gordon Leong when asked to comment on the proposal said that he believed every component party has within its set up, a Disciplinary Bureau.

Nevertheless, Faisyal’s proposal to have a BN Disciplinary Bureau is a good idea which the BN component parties should consider with an open mind, Leong opinied.

Even though Faisyal proposed that the Bureau be set up in relation to the up-coming general election in order to curb political sabotage in the spirit of the BN coalition and to ensure the existence of solid working relation in facing the impending GE13 as well as to mitigate any acts of sabotage by unhappy leaders.

Gerakan Sabah suggests to take a step further that the BN Disciplinary Bureau, if formed, should consist of at least one member from each BN component party and be permanent in nature, not to be limited and activated only when facing General Election, but also to address other types of misconduct such as irresponsible and insensitive act of open outbursts of certain leaders who undermine and discredit other BN components, he stressed.

Further, Leong said, the BN Disciplinary Bureau could be the channel for the grievances or complaints of every BN component to be heard so that proper disciplinary action could then be taken against those who are found to have misconducted themselves, instead of the BN Component members voicing out their grievances or dissatisfaction or loose remarks publicly and indiscriminately thereby causing damage to BN and attracting negative perception by the general public.

“In this respect, I strongly support the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman’s constant call and reminder for all component BN parties to exercise discretion and don’t talk too much but keep working hard and continue to serve the public in order to maintain the public’s confidence in the BN government.

“Be that as it may, it is my sincere hope that such BN Disciplinary Bureau would not be too overburdened with the unfortunate task of hearing too many complaints or grievances especially during the post general election,” he said. (theborneopost)


  1. Semua ahli BN harus bekerjsama dan saling menyokong untuk mengekalkan pemerintahan.

    1. dgn kerjasama parti akan kukuh dan perpaduan dan keharmonian dibentuk.

  2. Parti komponen harus sebulat suara memperjuangkan misi yang sama.

  3. Bn harus faham dengan kelemahan dan mencari langkah untuk membaikinya.

  4. calon-calon yang akan dipilih harus dibuat dengan bijak.

    1. saya rasa pemilihan calon itu dibuat dengan cukup bijak, cuma ada segelintir pemimpin yang tidak mampu menggunakan kebijaksanaan mereka untuk kepentingan parti.. asyik melakukan sabotaj jika diri mereka tidak dicalonkan..

  5. Kepentingan dirti harus diketepikan. Khidmatlah dengan baik untuk rakyat.

  6. Persefahaman antara parti dan ahli harus ada.

  7. Kerjasama semua ahli amat yang perlu bagi memastikan kejayaanya yang cemerlang.

    1. mana2 pihak yang tidak dapat memberikan kerjasama wajar dikenakan tindakan disiplin..

  8. Jika ada salah faham dalam parti sebaiknya selesaikan dengan cara baik. Jangan biarkan berterusan kerana itu cuma akan melemahkan parti itu sendiri.

    1. kalau tidak boleh diselesaikan antara pihak2 yang terlibat, biar biro ini saja yang selesaikan..

  9. bagus juga jika biro ini diwujudkan.. dengan cara ini, tindakan disiplin bukan datang dari pucuk pimpinan lagi sebaliknya melalui ahli2 biro yang dilantik untuk tujuan itu..

  10. tapi pastikan tidak wujud campurtangan pucuk pimpinan dalam apa jua keputusan yang dibuat oleh biro ini..


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