
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, July 27, 2012

Cheras Umno wants Lajim to quit cabinet position

Cheras Umno chief Syed Ali Alhabshee has asked Beaufort MP Lajim Ukin, whom he labelled as a ‘wolf in the henhouse’, to resign immediately from the cabinet.

He said that the Umno MP should do so instantly if he really wants to leave the party.

NONE“It is implausible that he is still in the cabinet of the federal government, when his actions are like that of a ‘wolf in the henhouse’,” said the outspoken Umno leader.

Syed Ali (right) also said that he is worried that Lajim will be accused of using the facilities of his deputy ministers’ office to continue his political campaign to topple BN in Sabah.

“If he is a moral leader, the best way for him is to resign immediately as a deputy minister, if it is true he is joining the opposition,” he said in a posting on the Cheras Umno official blog.

Syed Ali’s statement followed Lajim’s resignation as Kerambai Kebatu Umno chief and his decision not to defend his post as Beaufort Umno leader.

Further fuelling speculation, Lajim also  reportedly met PAS spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat in Kota Baru earlier this week.
'Lajim to host Anwar at buka puasa do'
Syed Ali said a source told him that Lajim would be hosting a breaking of fast event at his house in Beaufort on Sunday, with Anwar, PAS leader Hadi Awang and DAP’s Lim Kit Siang among those invited.

NONEHe claimed Lajim (right) was promised the post of chief minister by Anwar, should Pakatan win Sabah in the next general election.

Syed Ali speculated that Lajim would officially resign from Umno on Sunday, in conjunction with Anwar’s visit to Sabah.

He believes that Lajim would, despite the Beaufort MP's  denial, join the opposition.

“Word that Lajim will leave Umno has been around since May, but he has denied it, albeit unconvincingly,” the Cheras Umno chief said.

He wants the Umno supreme council to take immediate action against Lajim.

“If it's true that Lajim is siding with the opposition, especially with Anwar Ibrahim, then our party leaders must take action without any hesitation,” added Syed Ali, who is also the Federal Territory Umno liaison chief.

Lajim was a former leader of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) before joining Umno in 1994, and was elected as Sabah’s deputy chief minister during Osu Sukan’s time as chief minister.


  1. Lajim will go soon so don't worry.

    1. He already make some hints to leave so no forcing to be exact.

  2. I never thought a Cheras guy will ask a Sabahan leader to relinquish his post.

  3. Nah kan, makin besar isu si Lajim ni tau. alallalala...

  4. Biarlah Lajim buat apa yang dia nak. Tak payah besarkan hal ini sebab ia hanya akan mengundang 'syak wasangka' masyarakat Sabah pula.

    1. hal ini akan diperbesarkan jg oleh pembangkang.

  5. Tidak perlu suruh Lajim untuk letak jawatan, beliau sudahpun keluar dari UMNO/BN.terjawab sudah khabar angin tu.

    1. bgslah dia keluar, jadi tak ada lagi duri dalam parti.

  6. Memang patut juga Lajim keluar. Jika berterusan akan menjejaskan dalaman BN saja.

  7. Buat pilihan yang terbaik untuk diri sendiri.


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