
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, July 9, 2012

‘Govt must subsidise transport to Sabah’

The federal government must provide proof that freight charges have no impact on the price of consumer goods in Sabah.
TAWAU: The federal government must subsidise trans-shipment of goods to Sabah in order to standardise the prices of consumer goods in the state with that in Peninsular Malaysia.
Tawau MP Chua Soon Bui said talks have been going on for years with no solution in sight while consumers have been forced to cough up more money for goods that are cheaper in the peninsula.
“If the federal government can afford to subsidise the toll charges on federal highways for billions of ringgits, there’s no reason why the same cannot be done for transport to Sabah as a result of the cabotage policy,” she said over the weekend.
She said such a move was only appropriate and fair to the people of Sabah since the federal government had until today refused to abolish the cabotage policy which had resulted in a high-cost of doing business and living in Sabah.
Chua said the people of Sabah are being grossly shortchanged by the federal government despite the fact that Sabah is contributing significantly to the federal coffers through its oil and gas resources since 1976.
On the Transport Ministry’s rejection that the price difference between Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah is due to the cabotage policy, she said the ministry must provide proof that freight charges have no impact on the price of consumer goods in Sabah.
Chua also admonished fellow Sabah MP Abdul Rahim Bakri for dismissing the cabotage policy as a non-issue.
She described Abdul Rahim’s remark in Parliament last month in his capacity as the deputy transport minister that the issue was merely being “played up” by certain quarters, as inconsiderate and an insult to the people of Sabah.
“As a Sabahan himself, Abdul Rahim, who is the MP for Kudat, should realise that the cabotage policy is a real and pressing issue which has been the underlying cause for the high consumer goods prices, thus contributing to a high cost of living in Sabah since the policy was introduced in 1980,” she said.

Double-tongued federal government
The cabotage policy is seen as the main cause of inflation in Sabah, with the business sector arguing that the federal policy has contributed to the high cost of doing business in the state.
The business community in Sabah, especially those in the manufacturing industry, has repeatedly denounced the policy as anti-business and has made a series of calls through the Federation of Sabah Manufacturers (FSM) for its revocation.
“I am disappointed that the federal government has no intention at all to address the high transport cost faced by Sabah and Sarawak business sectors.
Chua, who is also a vice-president of the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), said the government was playing with words when it announced that the cabotage policy has been liberalised.
The transport ministry claims that foreign cargo vessels can ship directly to Sabah, but at the same time says that containers once unpacked cannot be re-shipped to Sabah on foreign vessels.
Also under the current system, cargo unloaded at Sepangar Port must then be reloaded and transported by other means to the east coast thus inevitably raising the cost of goods.
“Why must foreign cargo vessels which arrive at Sepangar Port be prohibited from proceeding to Sandakan, Lahad Datu and Tawau?” Chua asked.
Chua said the federal government should explain how the monopolistic policy had benefited local industries because up to now it has been been evasive on the issue.


  1. dasar kabotaj dikatakan sebab harga barangan di Sabah tinggi. dasar ini harus dikaji semula.

  2. Isu ini memang menjadi persoalan kepada penduduk Sabah. Harga yang berbeza untuk Malaysia.

  3. Apa pihak yang mengaitkan dengan dasar kabotaj. Tapi mungkin ada kebenaran juga mengenai perkara ini menyebabkan harga naik di Sabah.

    1. 67,000 taxi drivers across the country including 3,000 from Sabah, would benefit from the RM35 million programme.

  4. 1Malaysia People’s Taxi programme was carried out with 349 of the 1,200 taxi drivers in Tawau receiving the tyre subsidy voucher of RM520. The voucher is for them to replace four tyres for a period of two years.

    1. the subsidy should be able to reduce the taxi fees..

  5. Yong Teck Lee pun gagal selesaikan masalah ini masa dia jadi KM Sabah.. pemimpin2 SAPP waktu itu semuanya senyap membisu kerana masing2 mahu jaga kepentingan..

  6. harga barang sentiasa meningkat.. sampai bila kerajaan mahu bagi subsidi?? cara pemikiran pemimpin2 SAPP ni tidak profesional langsung.. daripada memberikan subsidi, bukankah lebih baik tubuhkan lebih banyak syarikat atau kilang2 pengeluaran di negeri ini??

  7. jika Sabah memiliki syarikat2 atai kilang2 pengeluaran samada pakaian atau makanan, sudah tentu Sabah tidak perlu lagi bergantung dengan barangan Import.. secara tidak langsung, ini akan dapat mengurangkan harga barangan dan dalam masa yang sama membuka peluang pekerjaan kepada penduduk di negeri ini serta meningkatkan ekonomi Sabah melalui aktiviti export..


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