
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 20, 2012

Latheefa GIVES IT to RPK, Umno's No. 1 henchman & INSINUATIONS KING

Latheefa GIVES IT to RPK, Umno's No. 1 henchman & INSINUATIONS KING
I refer to the article "RPK reveals why Latheefa quit" published in Free Malaysia Today on 19 July 2012.
The allegations are false, scurrilous and completely unsupported by evidence.
On Monday, I tendered my resignation to the Menteri Besar as MBPJ Councillor due to the reasons that I have outlined in my letter.
However, there are certain quarters who are not satisfied with my resignation and have begun speculating on the so-called "real" reasons behind my resignation.
Some of these speculations are probably genuine concerns but there are others that have gone beyond mere speculation and had come up with wild and incredible stories and spins, including by RPK (blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin) and Khir Toyo (the disgraced former Umno Selangor chief minister).
'Evidence' - but of WHAT?
I wish to clear some of these allegations.
I have never been accused, charged or investigated for a single corrupt practice.
If one were to read RPK's postings carefully, there is not a shred of fact or evidence that made reference to any corrupt practice on my part.
He had merely posted documents purportedly to show he has acquired "evidence" but failed to draw the connection to any alleged abuse of power or corrupt practice.
In the case of Sepang Mekar and Waikiki, it was purely a business matter that did not involve the local council. MBPJ only awarded the management to Sepang Mekar to refurbish and upgrade the premises and it was up to Sepang Mekar to deal with all tenants including Waikiki.
Needless to say, it was poor journalism to swallow wholesale the writings of a blogger whose track record is questionable to say the least and to compound matters by not verifying from others.
Me profiteer? How can I when I am not even involved?
On the other allegation that I have been profiteering from the cases contracted by MBPJ, I reiterate for the umpteenth time that I am not a partner in Messrs Daim & Gamany and neither do I get involved in any appointment of solicitors for MBPJ.
Mr Sivarasa Rasiah was appointed at the request of the council because he is a leading public administration lawyer and has extensive experience in local government cases. I have stayed out of every single meeting that discussed any files that involved Daim & Gamany.
As lawyers, we are trained and bound by a higher level of code of conduct and ethics to ensure this profession remains a noble one and we are also subjected to discipline proceedings if there are any wrongdoings or conflict of interest.
I would like to thank everyone who have supported and voiced their concerns on my resignation. I wish to reassure them that I am still very much part of the struggle for justice and democracy and remain a loyal member of Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
Latheefa Koya is the legal director for Parti Keadilan Rakyat

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