
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, July 26, 2012

Leadership: Form vs Substance

I want to share this thoughtful comment from an anonymous commentator. In light of the survey on Najib’s rating as well as UMNO's, I think it’s pertinent to make some comparison on substantive leadership.

Whatever Najib’s rating is, it is not relevant any longer to Malaysians. If UMNO hasn’t learnt the object lesson- it is doomed. It has poured billions into Kelantan trying to induce Kelantanese to abandon PAS but it has failed. Like Daim Zainudin said- the age where you buy your way through is over. People are looking for meaning. Najib unfortunately does not give meaning.

He doesn’t exist in isolation to UMNO. He actually needs UMNO to save him, not the other way round. As UMNO’s fortunes are fast declining, Najib will soon follow suit. In the final analysis, noises do not make music. Posturing and form do not reflect substance.

cui bono? said...

I like this gem by Anon,25 July 2012 16:08

"Didalam hukum hakam agama suci allah swt, sumber air ada untuk semua mahkluk tidak kira binatang atau manusia..akan tetapi manusia seperti biasa suka melawan hukum suci dan buat hukum sendiri!"

 Compare this with another gem uttered some time ago," rasa-rasanya esok saya mahu mengadap kebawah Duli Yang DiPertuan Agong untuk membubarkan Parlimen."

On such a basic need as water to support all forms of life, BN shows its true colours repeatedly that nothing is beneath them to think of ways to oppress those they see are slowly dismantling their scandalous money-making schemes to support an equally scandalous, ostentatious lifestyle. BN leaders have come to think that they and only they deserve such a lifestyle.

PM Najib's father's legendary and exemplary leadership is on record for all to note where development benchmarks have been laid. Nothing was spared to keep costs to a minimum, and the late Tun forbade senior officers to send him off at the airport when he went overseas; he felt these officers had more productive things to do in their offices than to waste time being seen with him; to enjoy a few moments of reflected glory from the man? Not for Tun, this sycophantic time-wasting habit. Why? Was it to put an end to a feudal mind-set and paradigm? I don't know. I suspect, even though he was a true blue-blooded aristocrat, he was too gentle to push through his personal agenda for national development by smacking down customs and traditions in a manner he felt was too rude and too crude. Hence, the simple administrative imperative - do our job responsibly for the money we receive at the end of the month. Period. No need for hand kissing (causing foul smelling steam to emanate), sweet smiles and prolonged good-byes. Everything that was done and practised by Tun Razak was based on a simple unwritten rule (though this was never stated, true to the character of the generally taciturn, performance-oriented man): the collective powers of the three branches of government, the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary, can and must mean that they be used as ' a shield and not a sword.' Ya, bidang kuasa yang dipegang oleh kesemua cawangan pemerintah mesti merupai perisai untuk melindungi rakyat bukan sebagai pedang untuk menyerang warga dengan sesuka hati.

 Malaysians can now decide with this Syabas issue and all other past misadventures god-fathered by BN whether we have had a shield to protect us all along or a sword striking at us for want of a good life by a wayward bunch of greedy sleazy thieves.

    26 July 2012 09:54

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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