
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 10, 2012


EXPLAINS....Architect Shim Sie Hong explains to Chief Minister Musa Aman the development stages of the Sembulan River Park.


A VILLAGE of about 15,000 people sitting in the Sembulan River sticks out like a sore thumb in the heart of buzzing Kota Kinabalu. It is surrounded by new hotels, resorts, a golf course, banks, office and shopping complexes.

But a multi million river beautification project is spearheading changes to rundown Kampung Sembulan. And efforts are underway to clean up the village of about 400 wooden houses built on stilts.
Chief Minister Musa Aman recently launched the first phase of the Sembulan river park which has a footpath that runs along half of the 1.6km (one-mile) river in Sadong Jaya to Kampung Sembulan Lama.

Money for the project has come from the federal government. The first phase designed by Shim Sie Hong, an architect, cost RM 24 milllion and is modeled on the one of the Singapore River.

The well-lit park with fountains and music filling the air is the first to be monitored by a police kiosk through 47 close-circuit television cameras round the clock under a safe city programme of Kota Kinabalu City Hall.

There are quays for boats and people can take boat rides along the river. The park caters for all including the handicapped. People in wheelchairs can move around it easily and so can mothers pushing their babies in prams. It has a toilet for handicapped people and a room for mothers to change their baby’s diapers.

It is part of a massive project of the Sabah development corridor to expand Kota Kinabalu southward. Construction of a state-of-the-art Gleneagles medical centre as part of a RM 500 million mixed integrated development and a new phase of KK Times Square opposite the Sembulan river park is taking place.

Musa says that Sembulan river park is another attraction for tourists. Sabah earns about RM4 billion a year from about 2.6m tourists.

Cleaning up of the Sembulan village has already begun and should be completed by next year. The Sabah government has also given city hall RM 2 million more to keep the city clean and in order. This year it is getting RM 19 million for rubbish collection, cleaning drains, repairing and cleaning roads, and landscaping.

“The Barisan Nasional government will continue to beautify Kota Kinabalu,” Musa says. “I hope the people will help keep Kota Kinabalu clean and beautiful.” (Insight Sabah)


  1. Makin lama makin cantik KK:) Teruskan usaha untuk membangunkan Sabah supaya menjadi tarikan pelancong.

  2. Semoga masyarakat Sabah akan bagi kerjasama dengan menjaga kebersihan kawasan ini bagi memastikan usaha yang dicurahkan utk membangunkan Sabah tak sia-sia.

  3. apa yang penting, kerajaan telah menunjukkan keinginannya untuk membangunkan Sabah

  4. satu lagi projek BN yang boleh 'menaikkan' lagi pungutan pengundi di PRU13 nanti

  5. harap 'makeover' ini dapat membawa keuntungan dan kebaikan kepada penduduk sekitar di Sembulan

    1. This makeover would boost Sembulan's image. Hopefully when the project is completed, the people would not litter around again.. That would be back to square 1.

  6. baguslah Kg Sembulan Lama akan 'dibersihkan'...

    1. Rumah setinggan pun sebaiknya dirobohkan dan dipindahkan di lokasi yang lain supaya lebih teratur dan sejuk mata memandang.

  7. tempat ini sering dikaitkan dengan jenayah yang dilakukan oleh PATI

    1. Would be good if the government could "swipe away" the PATI along the rubbish around sembulan.

  8. Cooperation from the people is highly needed too in order to make this project work.

  9. I hope this project will be a successful one.

  10. Making Sembulan clean and beautiful is the first thing the Government should do. People of Sabah should support this effort.

  11. dgn ini Sembulan akan jadi lebh menarik dan menjadi tumpuan ramai.

  12. Dulu, sebut saja nama Sembulan automatik di kepala tu PATI dan jenayah. harap2lah dengan adanya projek2 yang baru dilaksanakan, Sembulan bukan lagi sinonim dengan imej yang negatif ini.

  13. Bagus juga perkara ini dilaksanakan. Sekurangnya tempat ini boleh juga menjadi tumpuan untuk pelancongan. Teruskan membangunkan Sabah.

  14. Saya penduduk sembulan jati sudah lebih 40 tahun menetap disini, kami lebih faham apa perubahan yang telah berlaku adakah ya lebih baik atau sebaliknya untuk penduduk sembulan, sekian lama kami tinggal di atas sampah sarap dgn udara yg tidak bersih mengikut pewaian alam sekitar... persoalannya mengapa begitu lama untuk mengambil tindakan untuk kabaikan penduduk sembulan.

    1. ba bagus kau bagi cadangan sekali macam mana mahu kasi bersih sembulan dari sampah sarap dan bagaimana mahu memastikan tidak ada lagi pembuangan sampah sarap selepas itu.. kalau tukar kerajaan pun, tapi tabiat tidak berubah, tidak ada guna juga tu..

  15. ""Senator Datuk Paul Kong has called for the setting up of a special task force looking into the relocation of those living in water villages in the city and its surrounding areas. According to Kong, the relocation of these residents must be done within 10 years so that a massive and concerted clean-up effort can be carried out in the state capital.""

    KK made ‘rubbish dump’

  16. City Hall has chosen Kampung Sembulan as the first village to implement its 5K programme in efforts to transform the congested area which is facing a waste management problem.The programme calls for the community and authority to join hands in achieving excellence in five aspects -- cleanliness, beautification, security, orderliness and wellbeing. It will be launched officially this Saturday by Mayor Datuk Abidin Madingkir.

  17. Located less than five minutes from the city center, the village, consisting of Kampung Sembulan Lama and Kampung Sembulan Tengah, has always been an eyesore with garbage mounting underneath the stilt houses. It is believed that the problem is caused by immigrants. During a gotong-royong, City Hall Health and Urban Services Department director Robert Lipon said the programme was a long-term plan to solve the waste management problem. The programme would see the villagers adopting recycling habits, where they would pick up the garbage around their area and promise not to dispose of "new" garbage indiscriminately.


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