
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 12, 2012


THE DBKK is at the moment carrying out some beautification improvement work at the road entrance to the Menggatal town. The plan is to build a garden at the entrance plus rearranging the road kerbs and drainage here.

Sabah DAP was alerted about this work and there are some suggestion made by the people here concerning the work. Edward Ewol Mujie and the KK MP Hiew King Cheu attended to the request and had contacted the DBKK to inform them about the request by the people in Menggatal. The people have requested the road entrance to the town to be widened by at least another 10 feet to ease the traffic flow and the congestion created by the bottle neck.
There are two way of flow of cars at the same narrow road into the town, therefore it is necessary to widen the road to avoid collision of the incoming cars. The space used for the garden should be converted to a car park for the people, because the cars in the town are getting more everyday, and there are just not car parks here.

Edward said once the entrance is widened, the tendency of car accident happening will surely be reduced and the flow of traffic will be much better and faster. He said it would not be any extra work done but the effect is great. The space there will be ideal to be converted into parking lots of at least twenty numbers.

The DBKK has been informed, and they have acknowledged the request from the people. (DAP Media)


  1. Safety first. DBKK should immediately take action.

  2. Government should do something with the traffic jammed there.

  3. DBKK harus ambil tindakan untuk selesaikan masalah ini.

  4. Semoga suara penduduk di kawasan Menggatal ni akan mendapat perhatian.

  5. Jika dilihat memang kesesakkan sering berlaku dikawasan masuk ke Menggatal ini.

  6. selesaikan dulu masalah kesesakan di simpang masuk ke pekan menggatal, kemudian selesaikan masalah kekurangan parking di kawasan itu..

  7. Plans to uplift the image of Menggatal township through the “Towards 5 K Menggatal Township” programme launched by Kota Kinabalu City Hall in October last year, is going according to plan. Revisiting the township recently, Mayor Datuk Abidin Madingkir heard briefings from his officers on the progress of the actions plans which would be carried out in stages by each department.

  8. Plans would include works to upgrade existing infrastructures in the township and improving its landscape, in line with the City Hall’s aspiration of turning Menggatal into a clean, beautiful, safe, orderly and harmony township through its 5K (Kebersihan, Keindahan, Keselamatan, Keteraturan dan Keselesaan) programme.For immediate measures, the Mayor said he wants to see improvements carried out around the township’s entrance, and improving as well as beautifying the landscape on the roads leading to the township.Positive changes are also expected to be seen at the existing bus terminal area once the friendly pedestrian walkway planned along the bus terminal area is in place. Other immediate works to be carried out would include improvement works on the drains and putting up more street lightings to lit the dark areas in the township.

  9. Missing signages and road markings would be replaced and resealing of the existing gravel car parking lots would be carried out to enhance traffic flow circulations. As for the beautification works, the roundabout near Menggatal, which was previously barren, is now beautifully landscaped. On the beautification programmes, Abidin said hard and soft landscape would be added to improve and enhance the township’s overall environment. The existing trees will be maintained and more trees will be planted in stages to green and provide more shades for the town folks.

  10. On the township’s cleanliness, Abidin ordered his officers to improve the rubbish collection, grass cutting and general cleanliness of the township, especially after each Tamu day. Other improvements carried out in the township recently included the fitting of air conditioners and upgrading of basic facilities in the Menggatal Hall.Overall, the mayor who was accompanied by his directors, Ir Lee Tet Fon, Norliza Ag Alip, Robert Lipon and senior officers, said he was happy that the people in Menggatal were giving positive response and cooperation to the City Hall’s plans to uplift the image of the township.


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