
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

PM's not-so-elegant silence on LRT-gate

YOURSAY ‘He must explain why the contract was given to George Kent consortium when they did not qualify in the first place.'

Documents confirm PM's hand in LRT deal

your sayWira: Paraphrasing what DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said in the debate with MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek, BN doesn't understand what an open tender is and how it works.

It only knows how to approve and give projects to cronies. That's the reason why the project goes to the most inexperienced company with the highest bid.

This lack of accountability is the true reason why a first-term inexperienced coalition can run those state governments better than those greedy and corrupt incumbents as proven in Penang, Kedah, Selangor and, for a year, in Perak.

In all certainty, this will also be the case in Putrajaya should the opposition take over.

Pemerhati: This episode, which shows that the PM can overrule all the important rules and procedures and award a billion dollar contract to an unqualified crony, again clearly illustrates that Malaysia is a false democracy or a dictatorship in democratic clothing.

This sort of thing, which has been going on since Dr Mahathir Mohamad's time, has enabled Umno and their cronies to steal hundreds of billions of the people's money.

Currently, they are estimated to be stealing at the rate of about a billion ringgit per week. The reality is that since Mahathir's time, the PMs have had dictatorial powers and they can get the judiciary, the enforcement agencies and the other public servants to do anything they want.

Consequently, not only people like Anwar Ibrahim and Altantuya Shaariibuu have been victims of these crooked PMs and their cohorts, but all Malaysians have been made to suffer in various ways, such as being forced to pay high electricity rates and having to pay tolls on major roads.

Anonymous_4031: In the United States, there was Watergate which brought down President Richard Nixon. Will Malaysia have its Cowgate, Scorpene-gate, LRT-gate to bring down BN?

Will the gates open up so that the cows, the submarines and the LRT go through?

Hello: The PM might claim that everything was done according to procedure but he is avoiding giving a straight answer - whether it is according to qualification and experience of the tenderer.

He must explain why the contract was given to George Kent consortium when they did not qualify in the first place, and also they were the highest bidder without any experience in railway construction.

Chicken Chop: I think everything Najib did was in accordance with a 'corruption and cronyism' circular. If nobody acts on this case, then it is confirmed that the PM and his cronies are above the law.

Please keep a record of all corruption cases by the PM and his cronies so that they can be brought to justice once Pakatan forms the new government.

Just an ordinary Malaysian: I wonder what does MCA and MIC have to say about the leader of their coalition partner?

"According to procedure", "more facts needed", "politically biased", etc... will they even persuade toothless (and certainly politically biased) MACC to do an investigation? Or was the "raid" on PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli and Prasarana deemed their investigation?

Tailek: Najib has no friends, only sycophants and business cronies. The project was given to George Kent not out of friendship but the additional RM167 million is a big incentive for his 1Malaysia pocket.

Why do his Umno colleagues and MCA, MIC and Gerakan not have any questions for Najib on this scandal? I bet they all have their suspicions, only no guts to say so, unlike Rafizi.

Fairnessforall: It just irks me that despite so many accusations with evidence, Najib has chosen to keep quiet and not even bother to give an explanation.

This actually tells us that he has no regard and respect for the rakyat and that he thinks Malaysia belongs to his grandfather to do as he pleases with it and we are all his servants.

Freemsia: A couple of days ago, Najib Razak was in Selangor and asking voters to give BN a chance to rule in Selangor at the 13th general election (GE13).

Now he knows why most Selangorians will not vote for BN in GE13. For me and many of my friends and peers, the state will remain under Pakatan Rakyat and led by MB Khalid Ibrahim.

Adaotak: As if the Scorpene case, Altantuya murder are not enough... then Satu this, Satu that, 1Malaysia Kedai this, 1Malaysia Healthcare that... the more 1(satu) things we hear, the more frightening it becomes - all of it goes into 1Pocket.

Changeagent: Yesterday, Najib told the village heads not to play the crony game or put their own 'gang' first.

And just to clarify, the directors of George Kent are not Najib's cronies. They're just his business partners, golf buddies and drinking mates.

Joe Friday: The PM has advised the civil service to strive and think out of the box when serving the rakyat.

And to set as an example, he has given the Ampang LRT (Light Rail Transit) project to a water-gauge meter supplier just to prove the point. See, lead by example!

Louis: In Bolehland, a motor mechanic can also build rockets. What is this small LRT project?

Najib knows best. After all, the risk is yours and mine. - Malaysiakini

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