
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, July 27, 2012

Remember Ibrahim Ali's 'K' word? Malaysians ranked 3RD RUDEST in the WORLD!

Remember Ibrahim Ali's 'K' word? M'sians ranked 3RD RUDEST in the WORLD!
Six years ago when global magazine Reader’s Digest did a survey on rude and inconsiderate behavior, Malaysia ranked 33 in a list of 35 countries that took part in the survey. Way down at the bottom!
In the most recent survey results on the same poll undertaken by Reader’s Digest, Kuala Lumpur ranked 34 out of 36 major cities in the list of Least Courteous Cities in the world.
This should not really surprise us Malaysians. But to be rated so lowly in the world’s largest cities and countries certainly is a shame and a damning verdict on Malaysia and its people.
Without wishing to politicize discourtesy, it is worth fishing out the example of Ibrahim Ali, embraced by Umno as a model citizen, when he used the 'K' word in public two years ago.
Yes, the Perkasa founder and Pasir Mas MP thought nothing of shrilling out the 'kentut' word to the media including TV cameras while within the hallowed halls of the Malaysian Parliament - "even if I kentut (broke wind), it becomes a problem!"
Whether Ibrahim's behavior was due to stress is not the issue. Neither would many Malaysians wish to argue with or even be near to the man while he's in gaseous mode but the presumption that it is OK, even cute, to be so uncouth is surely a tell-tale sign for why we as a nation have failed to make much progress on the RD index.
Failed bid by BN to inculcate courtesy
There was a time when the Malaysian government, under the leadership of Dr Mahathir Mohammad back then, made a bid to inculcate the need to be courteous among the rakyat.
It was a splendid idea but unfortunately did not pay off well enough as evidenced by the extent and nature of discourtesy we are witness to in the country nowadays.
It is not necessary for me, perhaps, to list the kurang ajar mentality that appears to be part of the psyche and nature of a growing number of Malaysians who, in their quest to get ahead in life, often fail to consider that they offend others terribly in the process.
Is it really necessary for us to succeed so desperately in life that oftentimes, while trying to move on and move up in life, there are transgressions committed by us towards others that almost nullifies or negates whatever “success or gains” made in life?
This is because if we don’t learn to live with thought and consideration for others, being civic-minded, then whatever development and progress we make in this country cannot be enjoyed in full.
The strive to achieve a developed status will all not amount to much if, in this country, we live our lives, as if we have absolutely no regard or respect for others.
Take a look around us
Just look around us and witness how Malaysians behave in public.
Perhaps the best option to begin in developing ourselves is for us to react and response to the human condition in this country as it is in an appropriate and a more meaningful way.
Instead of being quick to jump the gun and be brutal and expressive in venting our anger towards the authorities and our fellow human beings, perhaps we need to reflect more deeply and engage others with a sound knowledge, understanding and thoughts and ideas on the issues that affect Malaysian society today.
In doing so, in engaging in sound communication and open dialogue, perhaps there might be able to be “a meeting of minds” and in the process much of the ill will that affects us Malaysians can be solved and settled in an open and transparent manner to the agreement and satisfaction of all with a vested interest in this country.
Solve problems and don’t create problems
The idea each Malaysian must come to embrace is that they should aspire to be part of the solution and not be part of the problems that confront us.
Offer solutions and don’t be mischievous or a menace by adding or creating to the abounding problems in the country.
Revive the courtesy campaign and put more cut-and-thrust, more effective and pragmatic activities and programmes into it.
Offer free public courses in communication skills as a means of going about getting Malaysians to understand and appreciate the unity that is achievable despite the diversity we live in that makes us different.
It is in developing the communication skills of the people in the various languages, both written and spoken, that Malaysians will then be able to forge a common bond and for this purpose it is inevitable and imperative that the English Language be used as the medium of communication though the national language can still be retained as Bahasa Malaysia.
Poor communication skills by Malaysians
Further, try observing how Malaysians speak and communicate nowadays with each other in public places in a language you understand and you will notice that the use of P’s and Q’s is hardly ever present.
Besides the need to brush up the behaviour of Malaysians in public and their social skills, there is really a dire need to improve on communication skills.
Poor or bad communication in public is usually the cause of tempers flaring and quarrels or even fights breaking out. By communicating better, misunderstandings can be easily avoided.
While it is difficult and unrealistic to expect the entire Malaysian population to be on their best behaviour, and to be prim and proper in their ways, it is really high time to find unacceptable the significant number of Malaysians now that exude ugly behaviour.
Failure by the BN government to address this issue
The BN government should be urged and encouraged to lead the way by implementing social etiquette in schools, institutions of higher learning, and in the civil service.
The government should also work together with the private sector to create ways and means whereby Malaysians may express better behaviour at home, in schools and colleges and universities or at the workplace and while in public.
If Malaysians behave badly and rudely and in an inconsiderate way and manner it is because the BN government has failed to address these issues, instead they have been busily trying to create wealth for themselves and their cronies to be enriched while issues such as these are swept aside or swept under the carpet.
It is really the failure of the BN government in not putting in place the “budaya” or culture of Malaysians who express good and civil behavior that has caused the rot to set in and for people from other countries to view us and hold us in contempt.
It is imperative the government initiate moves to improve the civic minded mentality and nature of Malaysians that better behavior is expressed and displayed and rude, uncouth behavior is no longer prevalent in the midst of us.
This way the atmosphere of the nation will be pleasant and enjoyable for all and a real welcome to visitors and a boost to tourism. For all, Malaysians and the rest of the world, in this country there will then be a much higher and truly richer Quality-of-Life to appreciate.
Malaysia Chronicle

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