
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

the RM20 Indian question.

Everyone has a price, but the RM20 question is how low will you go ?
RM 20 paid to some "altered natives" to buy their precious vote by MIC and once confirmed as a potential "sold"vote an reward of RM30 is given and after voting for BN come polling day a "huge" bonus of RM50. How about that ? ( read here )

MIC is cheap. So cheap that till today they have allowed this BN government to call them 
"pariahs". So cheap that BN (actually BN and UNMO are one and the same. All other component parties like MIC, MCA, PPP and Gerakan are but mere lap-dogs of BN who in reality is UMNO ! ) knows what little scraps to give them and these pariah dogs will roll over and do their master UMNO's bidding. So cheap that MIC politicians are directed by their top dog leader to "buy" all votes from every Malaysians of remote Indian origins for RM20 ! This is not being cheap but downright disgracefully hard-up with no dignity whatsoever.

Anyone with an ounce of self respect when approached by these MIC 
political mongrels called party heads, would throw that RM20 right back on the face of the party representative ! As my grandma would say..."no geography"or one is nothing but a "soreneh katteh nayee"(literally translated as "a mangy mongrel with no shame or feelings"), but of course the Indians have a lot more respect for dogs then fellow Indians, but I guess it sounded more pronounced or rhymed better when spoken in the Tamil dialect.

Ahhh....the sad part is, these cheap pariahs who head MIC also know how much cheaper their local branch heads are. They think that a cost of a Malaysian of remote Indian origin's vote is worth only RM20 ! And these cheap hand-outs are especially for any or all Malaysians of remote Indian origin aka 
"pariahs" concentrated mainly in 3 particular states that BN lost terribily in the last GE....i.e. Selangor, Perak and Kedah.

So who do you think gave the orders ?

If you thought it was that wimp G. Palanivel (president of MIC) you're wrong. Surely by now you would also know who 
"owns" G.Palanivol, right ? UMNO ! And who owns UMNO ? If you said Najib...triiing, wrong again ! Everything points to a greater evil mongrel now conveniently masquerading as a Malay ( I don't know what that means ) and goes by the name of Tun Mahathir ! Bingo !!! Will the MACC investigate this $$$ politics ? No waaaay Jose' !

And to think these MIC lapdogs have the gall to dish out RM20 to each member makes my pariah blood boil. ( yes, I too am a pariah as labelled by this BN education system via "
Interlok" !) Ask yourself sincerely, all you bloody Malaysians of remote Indian origins and having membership in MIC.....are you worth only RM20 to these Barisan Nasional government ?? Have you no self pride then to accept such a paltry sum ? Even a beggar collects/begs more than that amount daily but at least he's not ashamed to call himself a beggar. Can you ? Have your bloody Malaysians of remote Indian origins gone cheaper then a beggar ??

Wake up you bloody Malaysians of remote Indian origins and those who have actually collected that dastardly RM20 already. Take the bloody money as you have already done a grave mistake already BUT come election day make them ( BN and UMNO ) pay for thinking you are that cheap that they can buy you out for RM20 !

Even Judas was paid 30 pieces of silver....or in today's silver value (here) will give Judas of about USD4,200 x RM3.5 =RM 14,700 to betray Jesus ! And you bloody cheap Malaysians of remote Indian origins only took RM20 to sell your souls ? You MIC guys are worst then Judas !
Go hang yourselves or drink some pesticide or herbicide or whateverlah damnit !

Shame on you MIC !!

T.Ananthan aka Kajang Ananthan aka"taukelehman" of MIC....where are you ??

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