
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, July 22, 2012

Shafie: Even the president of Umno once left the party

Rural and Regional Development Minister Mohd Shafie Apdal today said that Umno had seen its leaders depart from the party before including former Umno president Onn Jaafar in 1951.

The powerful Sabah leader who leads the Sampoena Umno  Division, was commenting on his fellow Sabahan colleague Beaufort MP Lajim Ukin's statement that he was prepared to be sacked by Umno.

NONELajim (right) who is Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister hasresigned as Kerambai Kebatu Umno branch chief and made public that he will not defend his position as Beaufort Umno division chief but will remain in the party.

"For BN, all this is part of politics, we (Umno) had gone through all the process including being outlawed, having the deputy president leaving the party, even the president left the party once before.

"So it's nothing new to us. As a political party, whatever situation we face, we will overcome. The impact nay be small or big, but it will not harm us," Shafie told a press conference in Bangsar this afternoon.

It was widely speculated on June 10 that Lajim was to appear alongside Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in Sabah to announce his defection to PKR.

However, Lajim later denied this after the appearance did not materialise as Anwar's flight was delayed due to bad weather.
Claims dismissed
Last Thursday, Lajim said he was prepared to relinquish his position as a deputy minister to "uphold Sabah's rights" and expected to beaxed by Umno for this, adding that he is keeping his options open on his political future including joining the opposition.

However, Shafie dismissed the claims that Lajim would defect as mere speculation, adding that it has been going on since last year.

"We do not know if this is true or not but he had denied it. If people have denied how can we not believe it?" he said.

He added that what was important for Lajim was to execute his duties and responsibilities as a MP.

"And what is important to us, we will see and help," he said.
 Entertainers for Umno
Meanwhile, commenting on the widely publicised entry of artists into rival party PAS, Shafie said there were similarly eminent persons from the entertainment industry who supported Umno.

NONE"We also have supporters (from the industry) but we do not publicise it (like PAS does).
"What is important is not only do they support the government, but the government also supports the industry," he said.

PAS has recently gone on the offensive in recruiting artists such as the likes of singer Wan Aishah Wan Ariffin and actor Hairie Othman.

Umno too has its line of backers from the entertainment industry, including singer and actor Afdlin Shauki and rocker Amy Search.


  1. jika Lajim ingin keluar dari UMNO, ramai parti pembagkang sedia menerimanya. PAS, PKR dan STAR berminat dgn Lajim.

  2. Lebih baik Lajim menetapkan keputusan dengan segera bagi mengikuti parti pilihannya. tiada guna sudah beliau dalam UMNO.

  3. Siapa pun yang tidak melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan baik sudah pasti akan disingkirkan dari jawatannya.

  4. Mengenai isu Datuk Lajim ini. Mungkin kita tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa yang dapat kita buat cuma tunggu apa yang akan dikatakan oleh Datuk Lajim sendiri mengenai perkara ini.

  5. Former Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin's decision to quit all party posts is influenced primarily by Pakatan's psychological warfare that they will form the next government after the coming general election. Describing Pakatan's confidence to achieve the desired goal as a mere political propaganda, Sabah Umno liaison deputy chief Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak said Lajim's resignation had nothing to do with Umno's internal problems in the state. Salleh believes that Lajim does not want to miss "the boat", therefore he tried to find an excuse for "his mission". Salleh believes that what Pakatan is promising is just a hope or dream.

  6. Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor was quoted as saying that "what has happened is an internal issue of a personal nature involving Lajim and certain people in the domestic political arena. It should not be linked with a party that has rendered exceptional service to the nation and people. Umno information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan was also quoted as describing the departure of Lajim from BN as more of a personal problem.

  7. Salleh, who is also Sabah Legislative Assembly Speaker, said the state leadership was always open to discussions on how to strengthen the party and everyone had a role to play. "The Sabah Umno liaison chairman (Datuk Seri Musa Aman) is very open and accommodative. However, the party must reject leaders who put it at ransom.

  8. Lajim's political calculation is wrong. All studies conducted by professionals indicate Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's popularity is at a comfortable level. Musa said that Lajim's departure would not affect BN's strength in the state. The former Chief Minister believes that Najib's popularity will be able to lead BN to a two-thirds majority in the coming general election.Salleh said Umno and BN were ready for the general election, which is due to be held soon.


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