
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Suaram raid: The beginning of the end

YOURSAY 'Princess Leia of Malaysia and her Rebel Alliance of Suaram, beware of the wrath of the 1Malaysia chief.'

Raid on Suaram aborted by faulty warrant

your sayBoiling Mud: Routine inspection, my foot! This was more like a commando-style lightning strike to us. But then again, thank goodness for the faulty search warrant.

Come to think of it, incompetence sometimes does work to the advantage to those who are penalised or victimised.

Suaram, get busy with making duplicates of all your vital documents or stash them somewhere else.

Paul Warren: Smart move - dissolve Suaram for whatever reason and suddenly the complainant to the Scorpene case does not exist. What happens then to the suit in Paris?

RR: Cynthia, this unnecessary harassment by the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) is only going to popularise the Scorpene deal more and more.

Some of the Umno stooges do not know that non-governmental organisations (NGOs) can also be registered under the Registrar of Companies (ROC).

Poor PM Najib Razak should take proper advice, otherwise he may jump from the frying pan into the fire.

Headhunter: All this harassment against the opposition and anyone who is seen to be against the government, just when is it going to end?

Do we have to wait for the BN to be kicked out? If yes, then we all know who to vote for in the coming election. The whole country is now seen to be enemy number one as far as BN is concerned.

Ferdtan: As in the movie ‘Star Wars', the Galactic Empire under the leadership of the villainous Darth Vader strikes back in desperation.

Princess Leia and her Rebel Alliance of Suaram, beware of the wrath of the 1Malaysia chief. The elections must be really close enough for his men to jump into action.

The first target will be Suaram board member Cynthia Gabriel and its members. He has to clean/hide his bad image by silencing his detractors. Please expect the worst as you would be attacked with whatever criminal charges they may think of.

Simultaneous moves had been made against Anwar Ibrahim and other PKR leaders by adding one more charge with regard to the Bersih 3.0 protest that can disqualify them from contesting in election upon a guilty verdict.

This is followed by the audacious accusations against the two Pakatan chief ministers - one 'smearing' the name of his wife and the other questioning his so-called bailout of Talam Corp.

The general election is already in full motion. Najib just got his inspiration.

LittleGiant: This is expected of the Umno-BN government. Nothing new. Suaram is an NGO registered as a company. So what's the big deal?

There are NGOs registered as companies. Suaram posted a million ringgit in ‘earnings' in 2009. I don't see any issue here, too. I am sure there are many NGOs with a lot more ‘earnings' than Suaram.

The only difference is this - NGOs favoured by the government can have millions of ringgit in their coffers, no questions asked.

NGOs not favoured by the government will be thoroughly harassed, intimidated and humiliated even if they only have a couple of hundred ringgit and have to beg for funds to carry on with their activities to save the dignity of this nation.

Bad Feng Shui: This is so typical of our incompetent government agencies - they can't even get their own routine paperwork right.

But whatever the outcome of this harassment, it is already too late unless they can also raid the French courts.

Wira: The direction of this country is determined by Umno-linked NGOs. They complain and the government departments immediately act. Even Najib doesn't have that kind of authority.

TTT: Someone should ask them to look into Utusan Malaysia, too. With all the multimillion payouts for defamation, it's a wonder they have money to keep paying, and keep defaming.

P Dev Anand Pillai: This is how the government agencies work. When the opposition challenges them to go after Umno big fishes, they keep silent but when it is the opposition, they come in at lightning speed.

Kairos: This is typical of the calibre of brainless idiots in our government. Even in conducting a raid, they can't do it properly.

The objective is to harass and intimidate and instil fear in anyone who stands for justice and righteousness. Truth is ruthlessly suppressed under the present regime. Corruption, lies and massive cover-ups are the order of the day.

But they fail to understand one fundamental principle - that the human spirit that exalts and extols freedom and truthfulness will never be stifled, even if the people have to be persecuted for it. On the contrary, the more the ruthlessness, the stronger the spirit.

So I say to the despicable authorities, raid for all we care, it will only make us more determined to pursue our cause and also make us hate you more.

Bootsie: Can what Suaram did, if indeed true, be worse than the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC), Scorpene or other non-transparent tender process by the so-called national crooks?

Tholu: The clandestine activity of Terasasi (Hong Kong) Sdn Bhd that has allegedly sold Malaysian state secrets to a French company in the RM4 billion Scorpene deal is not investigated despite numerous police reports.

Has Perimekar been investigated? But a few clowns' police reports (who do not see a cattle stolen but report on the legality of the rope used to get it back) are swiftly acted upon.

Long live the clowns and CCM which appear to be condoning illegal activities of companies by acting against the whistleblowers to protect these errant companies.

Democrat 53: Another abuse of power by Umno proxy, this time, CCM. How low can you get, Najib? Are you aware of the consequences of this?

Your attempt to go after Suaram may be aimed at disrupting the Paris case but the French are well aware of your intentions. They are a little more principled than the Umno folks.

So, don't try anything which will bring more shame to Malaysia when this hits the international media.

Starr: Wow, someone is having cold feet, sensing that the Scopene submarine inquiry in Paris is fast becoming a mounting threat. Clearly, the government apparatus is being abused in hot pursuit of the political enemies of the powers-that-be.

With the number of scandals sprouting out in quick succession, the government apparatus would also find it hard to catch up. That clearly shows the fear of losing power has gripped the Umno-BN leadership.

Isana: The PM is feeling the heat. First Bersih, now Suaram. Maybe he can send in the ex-army guys to do some butt exercise in front of Suaram's office. - Malaysiakini

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