
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, July 23, 2012

With Shahrizat vanquished, Nong Chik now focuses on finishing off Nurul: AT ALL COSTS!

With Shahrizat vanquished, Nong Chik now focuses on finishing off Nurul: AT ALL COSTS!
Since her startling allegations of her former Returning Officer's grossly biased behavior, Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah has sent a written complaint to the Federal Territory Elections Director on concerns that this might threaten her chances at the coming general election. But till now she has not received any response.
This has swiveled the spotlight on the unpopular Raja Nong Chik, the FT Minister whose aspirations to challenge Nurul for her Lembah Pantai parliamentary seat is well-known.
Hungry for more after tasting ministerial power
Indeed, speculation is rife that Nong Chik was abusing his ministerial power and playing hard ball to ensure that Nurul lost in the 13th general election. He is accused of giving orders that a rogue RO - someone supportive of his political ambitions - got appointed to head the election process at Lembah Pantai during the upcoming ballot, widely expected to be held soon.
"RNC may be small in physical size but he has a huge ambition and ego. He is going all out to win the seat no matter how dirty the going gets. He has also been throwing money everywhere in the various guises of 'bantuan' (aid)," an Umno watcher told Malaysia Chronicle.
"He is not satisfied being in power on a Senator's ticket which has a fixed term of 2 years because after that he would have to depend on his political bosses for his career. RNC has got a taste of the power that comes with being a Minister and he wants to stay long term. For that, he knows he needs his own mandate. It is well known down the Umno line that he has been boasting that Lembah Pantai is already his - you can make your own inference from that."
First Shahrizat, now Nurul
This is not the first time RNC as Nong Chik likes to be known has been accused of using underhanded tricks to gain the political upper-hand. Not only has Nurul's supporters complained about his under-handed politicking, but even his own colleague, Shahrizat Jalil, the Wanita Umno chief and former Women's minister, is believed to have fallen at his hand.
Despite his denials, RNC is dogged by talk that it was he who lit the fire in the RM250mil NFC debacle, which has landed Shahrizat's family in deep trouble. Her husband has been charged for CBT in the national cattle livestock project, while her three children are not yet in the clear and can still be hauled up by the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission for abuse of power and misusing public money.
Although Shahrizat herself was vindicated by the MACC, her career ad reputation remain in tatters. Despite all efforts by Prime Minister Najib Razak to shield her, there is little doubt amongst seasoned observers that Shahrizat's political shelf-life has expired.
And some of those in her Wanita Umno clique say that while she is grateful her children have been 'spared', she is still simmering internally at both Najib and RNC. This is because the 59-year-old RNC was plucked from obscurity by Najib, appointed a Senator and made a full Minister in April 2009 when Najib took over the premiership from Abdullah Badawi.
Escaped unscathed despite the NFC scandal dragging Umno through mud
A trained accountant, RNC was born in Perak but educated in the Methodist Boys' School, Kuala Lumpur and later at Victoria Institution before studying at the Royal Military College. Najib is believed to have chosen him over scores of vying candidates on the basis that he trusted RNC because RNC came from an old and established political family - just like himself!
Perhaps this may well be why RNC, who is also the head of the Umno Lembah Pantai division, has managed to get away unscathed despite the harpooning his party received over the massive corruption uncovered in the NFC debacle, where Shahrizat's family were accused of having bought super-luxury condominiums and other properties for themselves with public funds meant to develop the NFC project.
Whether this has emboldened to train his sights on Nurul remains to be seen, but such a blunt and barely veiled offensive might turn out to be his Waterloo. If the attack backfires, it won't be ironic that the one who would derive the most satisfaction would be the badly mauled Shahrizat, rather than Nurul.
Only be cheating 
At 32, Nurul not only has age on her side but she is genuinely popular with the Lembah Pantai constituents regardless of race. The Malays there like her for her refined manners, decorum and political savvy. The non-Malays turn to her for a fair say in the country's growing racial impasse which has been deepening due to the communal and religious politicking pushed by Najib's Umno-BN government.
"If RNC wants to kick out Nurul, the only way he can do it is through cheating. Until the relevant authorities, the FT Elections Director, the Election Commission clarify the very serious remark made by the RO, Nurul and her supporters have every right to believe that they are marked targets," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
Tian was referring to an exchange that took on July 12 at the Kuala Lumpur City Hall between Nurul and Tuan Hj Mohd Najib Hj Mohd, who had acted as the Returning Officer during the 2008 general election where Nurul had against all odds defeated incumbent Shahrizat.
90% of "diabolical plot" to regain FT & S'gor already in place?
It must be noted that Mohd Najib is also the Deputy Director of Projects Implemntation & Maintenance at the KL City Hall, which comes under RNC's jurisdiction.
Recognizing him, Nurul had called out to ask if he would again be on duty in the next election. Mohd Najib's reply was startling for its menace and barely veiled animosity - "No. If I did, YB won't win again in Lembah Pantai."
"I feel compelled to make a complaint about the behavior of the Returning Officer in question as he behaved quite unprofessionally and obviously has a sentiment that is not neutral which can lead to the possibility of fraud at the ballot boxes if he is in charge," Nurul said in her complaint letter dated July 16 and addressed to Shafie Taib, the FT Elections Director.
"Whatever the political affiliation of the individual Returning Officer, who works under the Election Commission of Malaysia, his or her task is to lead the selection process. Who wins the election depends on who the people choose rather than on his or her own personal desire. The statement by Tuan Mohd Najib has caused me to lose faith in the integrity, neutrality and professionalism of the EC and I feel there is no guarantee that there will not be deceit during the 13th general election coming from the hands of the EC."
Sad to say, although a week has passed, it looks like Shafie and his department have no intention of taking the Nurul complaint seriously. Can this be proof that Nurl's hunch was correct after all?
That Umno and its apparatchiks have already set in place 90% of the much speculated "diabolical plot" to wrest back the Federal Territories and Selangor from the Pakatan Rakyat. And as Najib himself has vowed  - "at all costs" , by hook or by crook.
Malaysia Chronicle
Below is the letter from Nurul to the FT Elections Director, Shafie Taib
Rujukan Anda                 :
Rujukan Kami                 : PPLBM/P121/PERMOHONAN/12/07/167
Tarikh                           : 16 Julai 2012 / 26 Syaaban 1433H
Encik Shafie bin Taib
Pengarah Pilihan Raya Negeri
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Tingkat 3, Bangunan Yayasan Selangor
Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz
50300 Kuala Lumpur
Assalamualaikum wbt. Yang Berbahagia Encik Shafie,
Dengan segala hormatnya saya merujuk kepada tajuk di atas.
Pada 12hb Julai 2012 jam 4.15 petang, di perkarangan Bilik Lembaga, Tingkat 29 Menara Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, saya telah bertemu dan berbual dengan bekas Pegawai Pilihan Raya bagi kawasan Parlimen Lembah Pantai sewaktu Pilihan Raya Umum 2008, iaitu Tn Hj Mohd Najib bin Hj Mohd (yang juga Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Pelaksanaan Projek & Penyelenggaraan DBKL), di mana dinyatakan:
Saya: Nanti Tuan akan jaga Lembah Pantai lagi dalam PRU yang akan datang?
Tn Hj Md Najib: Tak. Kalau saya jaga, YB takkan menang lagi di Lembah Pantai.
Beliau menjawab dengan nada yang amat serius. Beliau kemudiannya memberitahu saya bahawa beliau akan ditugaskan untuk menjadi Pegawai Pilihan Raya di kawasan Parlimen Segambut bagi Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 nanti.
Saya berasa terpanggil untuk membuat satu aduan mengenai tingkahlaku Pegawai Pilihan Raya yang dimaksudkan ini, yang berkelakuan cukup tidak profesional dan jelas memiliki sentimen yang tidak berkecuali - yang membawa kemungkinan kepada berlakunya penipuan di dalam perjalanan pilihanraya yang berlangsung di bawah seliaan beliau.
Walau apapun fahaman politik bagi setiap pegawai pilihanraya (Returning Officer) yang bertugas di bawah Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia, tugas mereka adalah mengetuai perjalanan proses pemilihan dalam PRU, yang bergantung kepada pilihanrakyat, bukannya kemahuan peribadi sendiri. Kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Tn. Hj. Md. Najib telah menyebabkan saya hilang kepercayaan kepada integriti, sikap berkecuali dan profesionalisme SPR dan merasakan tiadanya jaminan tidak berlakunya tipu helah dalam perjalanan PRU ke 13 di bawah tangan SPR.
Saya berharap pihak Tuan akan dapat menyiasat isu ini dan satu tindakan tegas diambil untuk mengembalikan kepercayaan bahawa di bawah SPR sedia ada, disertai dengan pilihan Pegawai-pegawai Pilihan Raya yang mampu, dengan tulus hati menjadikan proses pilihan raya yang akan datang benar-benar bersih.
“Demi Pilihan Raya Yang Bersih”
Sekian. Wassalam.
Yang berkhidmat,
Nurul Izzah Anwar
Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai
S.k     Yang Berhormat Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Khas Pilihanraya
Aras 1-7, Blok C4 & C5, Kompleks C
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62662 Putrajaya
Tan Sri Dato' Seri Abdul Aziz bin Mohd Yusof
Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia
Aras 4-5, Blok C7 Kompleks C
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62690 Putrajaya
Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan
Pengerusi Bersama BERSIH 3.0
Datuk A. Samad Said
Pengerusi Bersama BERSIH 3.0

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