
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Women deny being promised RM50 to attend CM's event

Three senior citizens who reportedly ‘cried foul’ for not being given monetary rewards for participating in Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s walkabout in Teluk Bahang last week, have come out to deny the reports.
The trio - Norma Yusof, Zainab Boo Ibrahim and Zainab Long - were reported in the newspapers as claiming that a Wanita PKR leader had promised them the “RM50 reward” if they came to the event held at the local market on Sunday.
“But we never received the money. We feel we have been used just to make up the numbers,” Zainab Long was quoted in The Star as saying on Monday.
Umno-owned Malay language daily Utusan Malaysia and tabloid Sinar Harian also carried a similar report in their publications yesterday.
The press conference where the women had reportedly issued the complaints was organised by Penang Perkasa Youth chief Mohd Rizuad Mohd  Azudin, one of Lim’s most vocal critics.
Video showing women’s denial
Pakatan Rakyat leaders were quick to denounce the report, providing “evidence” in the form of a video recording of the women’s denial of making the remarks about cash rewards and Lim’s visit.
The 6.57 minute video which was played for reporters during the press conference showed the women being interviewed by Balim Pulau PKR chief Abdul Halim Hussein, denying that they were promised any rewards.
NONEAbdul Halim (left) said the trio did not know the purpose of the press event called by Mohd Rizuad, who on that Sunday claimed a commotion broke out during Lim’s visit to put Perkasa in a bad light.

Lim, who is DAP secretary-general, however, criticisedthe police for not protecting him from a Perkasa activist who hurled projectiles at him.

Abdul Halim, who is also House speaker, said the women admitted they attended Lim’s event because they were invited by Pakatan leaders.
They were told later that they would only receive the RM100 contribution from the state government next month.
During the event attended by about 400 kampung folk, 20 senior citizens, 20 single mothers and 10 students were given a RM50 appreciation award by Lim.
“I regret that the senior citizens have been used,” said Abdul Halim during a press conference held at the state legislative assembly yesterday.
“We hope Perkasa, which organised the press event that day, to stop all this nonsense. This is not the Malay or Islamic way to do things,” he added.
“If anyone has any grievances to air, go through the proper channels. We regret that our programmes with the rakyat are often disturbed. We hope no senior citizens would be harassed again,” he stressed.
Perkasa ‘used’ women for its agenda
Pakatan’s Teluk Bahang coordinator Halil Sabri Hamid said the three women were actually eligible for the RM100 annual senior citizen appreciation award by the state government.
“However, their names were not on Sunday’s list as they would be given the award next month, during a Ramadan event in Balik Pulau,” he added.
“I regret that Perkasa manipulated these women and used them for whatever agenda they have to slander and bring disrepute to the state government,” he stressed.
Meanwhile, Teluk Bahang village and security development committee head Mohd Isa Mohd Ali said that he had personally told the women that they could still attend the event although their names were not on the list of awardees.
Mohd Isa, a PAS member, said he was informed by the women that during the press conference with Perkasa, the trio were merely asked if they had received the money, and they replied in the negative.
“Of course they said no as their names were on next month’s list. Perkasa’s action do not benefit the kampong folk at all,” he said.
“This is what the media should be writing about. Perkasa put hatred and fear into people and this is not something good for the rakyat,” he added.

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